How does the lack of a certain response from the culprit mean that Callaway did not say something to him? Do you think before you post?
"How does the lack of a certain response from the culprit mean that Callaway did not say something to him?"I didn't say he didn't.
In fact he did yell at him.
That wasn't the conversation though was it Bill?
You claimed that Callaway got as good a look at Tippit's killer as Domingo Benavides and was thus as good
a witness as him to identify Tippit's killer.
I pointed out that Benavides' view was 15 feet from the killer as he turned away from shooting Tippit
and Callaway's view was at best from 56 feet looking at a running/trotting figure.
You tried to bolster your contention by saying Callaway "talked" to the suspect.
Below is Callaway's recollection of the "talk" he had with Tippit's killer.
Mr. BALL. And did you say anything to him?
Mr. BALL. What did you say?
Mr. CALLAWAY. I hollered "Hey, man, what the hell is going on?" When he was right along here.
Mr. DULLES. Did he say anything?
Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir; he said something, but I could not understand it.
Mr. DULLES. You could not understand what he said?
Mr. CALLAWAY. That is right; yes, sir.