It was Gary Craig.
You're wrong on both counts.
It was Tim Nickerson who said "that is what happened".
Quote from: Tim Nickerson on February 21, 2018, 05:29:28 PM"That is what happened. Any blanket fibers that had been on the rifle would have fallen off between the time that Oswald removed the rifle from the blanket and the time that Carl Day prepared it to be handed over to Vincent Drain."2nd).

Allegedly the TSBD Carcano was wrapped in the blanket found in the Paine's garage for several months.
It was moved around, opened and closed etc in that time.
It's a absolute certainty that fibers from that blanket would have been found on that rifle if the above is
true. The rough stock, sharp edges and angles would have snagged and trapped hundreds of fiubers.