I beg to differ. You said
In response to the part I highlighted in bold I said
Quote from: John Anderson on February 21, 2018, 02:11:34 AM
"A logical possibility is fibres from the blanket were on the rifle which were then transferred from the rifle to the bag.
No blanket fibres left remaining on the rifle doesn't negate that possibility.
I'm not saying that is what happened I'm saying it is possible.No blanket fibers were found on the TSBD Caracano.
That rifle was allegedly wrapped in it for months.
Kicked around the floor of the Paine's garage and possibly making a road trip to New Orleans and back.
The possibility of 3 or 4 fibers being transferred with the gun to the homemade gun case without
more remaining on it, after spending that amount of time in contact, is zero.