Take a look at the WC Testimony of Mal Couch who was filming while riding inside Camera Car #3. He said shortly after the assassination he discovered a Blood Pool of about 8"-10" somewhere around the TSBD and the Elm St Extension. Only a stones throw from the TSBD. Extremely credible eyewitness.
Hundreds of people in that open space yet no body was seen. A pool of blood or a pool of sarsaparilla perhaps? I'm all for uncovering an extra death in DP if such a death took place but I'd like to see substantial eye witness and physical evidence. Can someone point where that evidence now resides 55 years after the assassination?
I was listening to the KLIF radio "as it happened" recordings and they indicated that it was "confirmed" that an SS agent was killed. I wonder who confirmed that.https://archive.org/details/KennedyAssassination-Klif-amDallas-FridayNovember221963/03KennedyAssassination-KlifDallas-FridayNovember221963.mp3
Is there a record on when Dennis R. Halterman died if he was not SS agent killed in Dallas? Maybe all this is connected to that second metal casket?
I think the officer is JD Tippit,there was a SS officer that died,bit it was a heart arrack,can not remember his name but he had been a driver for Hennedy.