For couple of years I am trying to identify this person. Is it possible this is Vivian Castleberry? In her statements she stated that from the Dallas News Telegraph office she went to the Trade Mart, does not states that she was at Love Field. The posture and hair looks like her and in this frame from George Reid film this person writes in her note book, same as Vivian had and which is well known.
On the other side, this person looks like Doris Jacoby, Dallas Morning News photographer. There are only two photos known that Doris made, one at Love Field showing Jackie with red roses bouquet and another at Trade Mart.
Third person I found possible is Martha Gorber, member of JFK White House staff. Not much info on her but similarity is reasonable.
Any clue on who this person is? Maybe one of the three, maybe somebody else.

Vivian Castleberry

Doris Jacoby

Martha Gorber