As a reporter and author you should understand what constitutes a cite. You have made vague references to things, but you have NOT cited any evidence. All LNers are allergic to the actual evidence since it doesn't support their claims.
Your points are very weak since no one on the HSCA panel saw JFK's body. Furthermore, the autopsy X-rays and photographs have never been shown to be authentic and a true depiction of the wounds seen on JFK's body. Moreover, they are in direct conflict to the wounds actually observed by those that did see JFK's body after the assassination.
The autopsy X-Rays and photographs were authenticated.
HSCA Volume VI, page 232 - anthropological analysis
[age 239 - analysis of x-rays
Proves that the x-rays and photographs are those of JFK
Volume VII, page 43: Report of Ellis Kerly, Phd, and Clyde Snow, Phd. anthopological consultants
Volume VII, page 63: Report of Lowell Levine, DDS, on dential identification
Volume VII, page 69 - Report of Frank Scott, medical photographer on the authenticity of the color photographs.