Below is a rough stabilization of the Houston Street clip. I find 17 unique frames for this clip. Filmed at 24fps the clip took less than one second. It does show some notable figures. The ghostly back-lit figures of
Toni Glover and/or her mother are still standing on their perch. Someone, probably
Howard Brennan, is sitting beneath that perch with his back to the wall. A second figure is low to his left in the shadow of the pool wall.
What pleases me most is in the last 5-6 frames a man is seen at frame left running southbound on Houston street. I think that is
Jim Underwood, as described in his WC testimony.

Robert Hughes frame

Jim Underwood WC testimony:
...When we turned onto Main Street downtown and headed west toward the scene of where the assassination took place, either the regulator or the mainspring in my camera broke and I was without a camera. I knew that we had two men, at least two men on the parade route who were on the street and would be filming the motorcade as we came by and I hoped to exchange my broken camera for one of theirs because I knew I could make more use of the one that would operate. The only problem was we went down Main Street so rapidly it would have been impossible to get anything from someone standing on the street and at Main and Record one of our men was stationed and I tried to holier at him my camera was broken and I wanted to switch and I started to and there was no point in it because we passed there that rapidly. I thought it was the fastest motorcade that passed through a crowd; this was really moving, as far as I was concerned. Then, we came to the scene where the shots were fired. Do you want me to go on?
Mr. BALL. From the time you turned, tell me what you observed after you made the turn at Main and Houston to drive north on Houston.
Mr. UNDERWOOD. After we turned onto Houston Street, the car I was in was about, as far as I can remember, about in the middle of the block or a little bit north of the center of the block, which is a short block, when I heard the first shot.
Mr. BALL. Between Main and Elm?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Yes; between Main and Elm, closer to the Elm intersection, Elm and Houston intersection, when I heard the first shot fired. I thought it was an explosion. I have heard many rifles fired but it did not sound like a rifle to me. Evidently must have been a reverberation from the buildings .or something. I believe I said to one of the other fellows it sounds like a giant firecracker and the car I was in was about in the intersection of Elm and Houston when I heard a second shot fired and moments later a third shot fired and I realized that they were by that time, the last two shots, I realized they were coming from overhead.
Mr. BALL You realized they were coming from overhead and that would be from what source?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. That would be from the Texas School Book Depository Building.
Mr. BALL. It sounded like they were coming from that direction?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Yes, sir; the last two. Now, the first was just a loud explosion but it sounded like a giant firecracker or something had gone off. By the time the third shot was fired, the car I was in stopped almost through the intersection in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building and I leaped out of the car before the car stopped. Bob Jackson from the Herald said he thought he saw a rifle in the window and I looked where he pointed and I saw nothing. Below the window he was pointing at, I saw two colored men leaning out there with their heads turned toward the top of the building, trying, I suppose, to determine where the shots were coming from.
Mr. BALL. What words did you hear Bob Jackson say?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. I don't know that I can remember exactly except I did hear him say words to the effect that "I saw a rifle" and I looked at that instant and I saw nothing myself. If he saw a rifle, I did not.
Mr. BALL. At that point when you looked, where was your car?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Our car was in the intersection, in the intersection of Elm and Houston Street.
Mr. BALL. Had it made the turn yet?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. It had partially made the turn or had just begun to make the turn. Frankly, I was looking up and around and I saw at the same time people falling on the ground down the street toward the underpass and my first impression was some of these people falling to the ground had been shot.
Mr. BALL. Did your car stop?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Our car stopped and the minute it stopped I leaped out of the car.
Mr. BALL. Where was your car when it stopped?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Right in the intersection, perhaps just past the intersection, turned onto Elm.
Mr. BALL. Did you get out before the car parked along the curb?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. Yes, sir; the minute it stopped, I leaped over the side.
Mr. BALL. What did you do?
Mr. UNDERWOOD. I left my camera in the car, the camera that was broken, and ran as fast as I could back toward the man we had at Record and Main in order to get a camera. There I was without a camera; the only thought I had was to get a camera...