What Williams knew (or may have known) at the time of first affidavit.
There had been shots fired at the motorcade, possibly from a position he had been just five minutes before.
The three moved to the SW corner and discussed what they should do.
About 3-4 minutes after the shots a policeman was on the 5th floor.
They decided to take the stairs down and after pausing briefly on the 4th floor attempted to leave the building.
From memory Jarman and Williams attempted to leave via the front steps while Norman did not attempt to exit but stayed in the middle of the first floor.
They were sent back inside by police after being identified by Brennan as being on the floor below the SN at the time of the shooting.
After returning inside, likely about the time the rifle is found on the 6th floor, it became apparent that Oswald was not present and it is possible that this became known to the other workers.
It is possible that Givens absence was also discussed, as he too is mentioned in the affidavit.
Shortly after the discovery of the rifle, Fritz instructs Senkel to round up all those who had been working on the 6th floor that morning and take them for questioning and preparation of affidavits.
Accordingly, Williams, Shelley and Arce are taken in one car and Lovelady and Dougherty in another.
After arriving Williams notices Oswald has been apprehended and brought in to HQ.
He is specifically questioned about Oswald?s movements that morning.
Anyone think of anything I have missed?