You have anything more worthwhile to add to the discussion? Your guess was same as mine.
I gather you don?t object to the chicken lunch being found by Mooney in the SN as he testified? If so let?s debate otherwise I will take your silence as agreement and I can add you to that group.
We have now moved onto the time of Williams' case you hadn?t noticed. What do you think from his various statements?
Do you know whether you ass fell off yet?
Stil there, Colin.
I actually agree with you that BRW probably ate his lunch in the SE corner window.
However, that's unrelated to the question of whether a Stooge conspiracy transpired to cover that up.
Again, if you're going to postulate a Stooge conspiracy, you need to have a plausible explanation as to when, where and how the conspiracy was hatched.
Let's face it, the only plausible time for such a conspiracy to be hatched is in the scant moments the Stooges spent on the 5th floor before going downstairs.
Sorry, but I'm not buying.