Nah, I'm just poking you in the ribs 
And seems to me that conspiracists are the ones afraid of the dark.
Your need for approval, reflected in your mention of (apparently) support from an LNer, is duly noted.
Could you provide your definition of "conspiracists"? If you wish to label me I think it?s reasonable to ask for a description of your classification.
If I was here in need of approval Bill I might require something like this....
Well done Colin. You put forward an idea which seems to have teased out some agreement between opposing sides here. That certainly deserves congratulations.

It?s very rare and admittedly pleasing reward for the effort in sourcing and posting all the docs I can find related to the proposition. However if it was my primary sustenance I fear my BMI would be in single digits. As stated previously this is how I sort through these things when I research them. I get to a point of developing a series of facts, post the docs I found to arrive at them and then seek serious rebuttal to what the evidence presents compared to the official story.
So far in the thread there has been no objection to the conclusion that Williams ate his lunch in the SN.
If this is accepted we can leave poor Arnold Rowland alone and simply accept the basics of what he saw. Briefly a white man with a scoped rifle on the 6th floor at 12.15pm at the SW corner. Also there was a coloured man (Williams) in the SN at this time, and for some time later.
There has been no objection in this thread to the timing of Williams departure from the 6th floor.....around 12.25pm. The anticipated arrival time of the motorcade in planning.
Anyone who disagrees and can provide substantial evidence to the contrary are invited to do so. I am more than willing to be persuaded....that?s why I am discuss and improve understanding of what events really took place.