Anyone could have shot Oswald at any point over the weekend. The DJ John Peel was in the station. He wasnt a DJ at the time. Security was so poor back then,
The myth of government, institutional and police competency.
Good one. Anyone could do it. So that is your logic, of course, it makes the impossible possible. But will just talk what is possible, like Ruby was there the whole weekend. Every day ends in a "y" Sunday is as good as Friday or SaPersonay, right?. Ruby is Jewish, Sunday is after the Sabbath, the picture is so much clearer.
Turning to the assassination of JFK. Security was different then. There is a problem, who shot Kennedy, we know Oswald didn't and we know the two men shot in the limo have wounds that did not come from an alleged assassin in the SFW And we know it never has been done even in a loose reenactment or can someone who was not there do something that didn't happen there? Better find a different window, bush, fence, tree, or maybe a drone. I don't think the driver did but what is to say he didn't? Common sense, right? And I agree but the same common sense says Oswald did not shot the Gov or the Prez. Very reasonable I am