Because Ruth Paine helped him secure a job there and of course the parade route would be changed so LHO could "Patsy" on up and the conspirators could put the crosshairs on JFK and do the Triangularization of shots on JFK while LHO was in the break area . Oswald said he was a Patsy but apparently Ruby knew better, or did he ?
The only response that was on topic.
Did Mrs Randle [Frazier's sister] tell Ruth about the opening?** Oswald did not obtain that job on his own. That left the Report believers divining that everything that happened regarding the assassination was
SPONTANEOUS like creation itself!
Oswald did not fill out his own application.

**Let's see----From the DVP site....
MRS. PAINE -- "As best I can reconstruct it, this was while having coffee at my immediate neighbors, Mrs. Ed Roberts, and also present was Mrs. Bill Randle, and Lee had said over the weekend that he had gotten the last of the unemployment compensation checks that were due him, and that it had been smaller than the others had been, and disappointing in its smallness and he looked very discouraged when he went to look for work. ....
"And the subject of his looking for work and that he hadn't found work for a week came up while we were having coffee, the four young mothers at Mrs. Roberts' house, and Mrs. Randle mentioned that her younger brother, Wesley Frazier, thought they needed another person at the Texas School Book Depository where Wesley worked. Marina then asked me, after we had gone home, asked me if I would call...the School Book Depository to see if indeed there was the possibility of an opening, and at her request, I did telephone. ....
"I looked up the number in the book, and dialed it, was told I would need to speak to Mr. Truly, who was at the warehouse. The phone was taken to Mr. Truly, and I talked with him and said...I know of a young man whose wife was staying in my house, the wife was expecting a child, they already had a little girl and he had been out of work for a while and was very interested in getting any employment and his name, and was there a possibility of an opening there, and Mr. Truly said he didn't know whether he had an opening, that the young man should apply himself in person."
JOSEPH BALL -- "Was there anything said then about the Texas School Book Depository as a place he might get a job?"
LINNIE MAE RANDLE -- "Well, we didn't say that he might get a job, because I didn't know there was a job open. The reason that we were being helpful, Wesley had just looked for a job, and I had helped him to try to find one. We listed several places that he might go to look for work. When you live in a place you know some places that someone with, you know, not very much of an education can find work. So, it was among one of the places that we mentioned. We mentioned several others, and Mrs. Paine said that well, he couldn't apply for any of the jobs that would require driving because he couldn't drive, and it was just in conversation that you might talk just any day and not think a thing on earth about it. In fact, I didn't even know that he had even tried any place that we mentioned."
MR. BALL -- "What were some of the other places mentioned?"
MRS. RANDLE -- "Well, I remember two of them. Mrs. Roberts entered into the conversation and, of course, she is more familiar with the place than I am. It was Manor Bakeries which was a home delivery service. Then there was this Texas Gypsum which makes sheet rock and things like that, and we mentioned because Wesley had tried those places that I mentioned those."
MR. BALL -- "And then you also mentioned the Texas Book Depository?"
MRS. RANDLE -- "Well, I didn't know there was a job opening over there."
MR. BALL -- "But did you mention it?"
MRS. RANDLE -- "But we said he might try over there. There might be work over there because it was the busy season but I didn't have any previous knowledge that there was any job opening."
MR. BALL -- "Did you later learn that Lee had applied for a job?"
MRS. RANDLE -- "She told me, Mrs. Paine told me, later that he had applied for the job, and had gotten the job and she thanked us for naming the places and things like that."
Looks to me like there was an effort to cover Mrs Paine's obvious influence.