So far not one believer in the official story has shown why LHO would choose his place of work where he was known to assassinate the president from. Furthermore, they have not explained why he would choose a floor that had work being done on it when the seventh floor was quiet and had a room with a door.
why LHO would choose his place of work where he was known to assassinate the president from.The hoax attempt in which Lee was perpetrating was intended to indicate that Lee had attempted to shoot JFK ( just as the hoax attempt at Walker's was intended to appear that Lee had tried to shoot Walker)
If the hoax attempt had been staged at some other place the Barney Fifes of Dallas would never have have picked up the trail, just as they never picked up the trail at walker's....
You may recall that Lee was disappointed when he heard on the radio that the police had thought he had escaped from Walker's by car after firing a 30.06 bullet through the window.... Lee scoffed at their ineptitude and told Marina the Barney Fifes couldn't even get the caliber of the bullet right......