The rifle could NOT have been hidden in that manner AFTER the shooting.....Because, Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor about two minutes after the FIRST shot was fired.
Baker and Truly encountered Oswald in the second floor lunchroom approximately 90 seconds after the FIRST shot was fired at President Kennedy. Some time was consumed in the encounter. It would be impossible for them to ascend four (4) floors in thirty (30) seconds.
Baker and Truly would have seen anybody hiding the rifle....
Temporarily setting aside the timing problem: The assassin (Oswald or the 6th floor shooter) would have left the 6th floor already and not be there in the process of hiding the murder weapon. Perhaps you could explain your theory with some facts?
I never imagined that a dumbass would attempt to refute the evidence.....
Mr Lidell says that it would have been impossible "It would be impossible for them to ascend four (4) floors in thirty (30) seconds."... Mr Lidell apparently has a reading comprehension problem....and didn't understand the word "ABOUT" preceding the words TWO MINUTES.... Nobody knows exactly when Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor but LBJ's cover up committee claimed that Baker left Lee Oswald on the second floor about 90 seconds after the shots were fired. So who knows exactly when Baker arrived on the sixth floor

I would concede that it's improbable that Baker could have arrived on the sixth floor thirty seconds after leaving Lee on the second floor....But that's not the point.... The point is:....The rifle was well hidden beneath a pallet with boxes of books stacked on it....Nobody could have hidden the rifle in the manner it was hidden after the shooting and before Baker arrived on the sixth floor.