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Author Topic: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?  (Read 75095 times)

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2018, 04:37:58 PM »
What can't be disputed is that both men are reacting simultaneously, you can give excuses like Connally heard a sound but viewing the footage makes claims like that pure nonsense.

In the first frames as they emerge from behind the sign all seems well.

Connally's jacket billows.
The jacket appears to move. That is all you can say. His right arm and hand and hat is also moving. Maybe there was a connection.


Both men violently react, Connally's right wrist the one that was hit and Kennedy both show a similar reaction to something traumatic.
Right. That is consistent with a bullet striking JFK from and JBC reacting to hearing what he recognized as a rifle shot because he wanted to turn around to see how JFK was (which he then proceeds to do).


And in full motion the simultaneous reaction is clear as day and only dishonest people would deny they are moving at the same time.
They are reacting at the same time, although if his clenched hand positions are part of his reaction it seems that JFK's reaction had already begun prior to z224.  If so, their reactions did not begin simultaneously. The evidence of JBC and Nellie was that JFK and JBC did react at the same time that way - to the first shot.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2018, 04:37:58 PM »

Offline Howard Gee

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2018, 06:30:09 PM »
I am challenging that CE 399 went through JFK.

I believe I have answered the OP - whatever hit JC missed JFK by going just over his right shoulder.

How do you expect anyone to work out what bullet hit who and when, when not even the WC was able to?

So go ahead and try and connect CE 399 to JFK or to JC.

How do u account for the damage to the Limo, bullets hitting the pavement and the strike to Tague?

"I am challenging that CE 399 went through JFK.

I believe I have answered the OP - whatever hit JC missed JFK by going just over his right shoulder."

Actually what you seem to believe is that 399 didn't hit either man and that it was planted. 

First, let's deal with your theory that a bullet narrowly missed JFK's shoulder and hit JBC.

What do you propose happened to the bullet that hit JBC ? 

What do you propose happened to the bullet that actually hit JFK in the back ?

Since no bullet was found in JFK's body, we must assume it exited somewhere.

And if it didn't exit from his throat, then what caused the throat wound ?

We can rule out a throat entrance wound because there's no corresponding exit wound and no bullet was found in JFK's neck. So what happened to the bullet(s) that caused JFK's back/ throat wounds ?

The ConspiraClowns are reduced to postulating the absurd 'CE399 was planted' poppycock - but that STILL wouldn't explain the missing bullet(s) in their alternative reconstruction of the shooting sequence and the wounds to both men.

As for the damage to the limo, I say caused by fragments from the head shot. What's your alternative explanation ?

Bullets hitting the pavement ?  Where is your evidence for bullets (plural) hitting pavement ? You're going to have to do better than Groden's comical 2 foot long gouge in concrete adjacent to a manhole cover as being caused by a bullet strike or someone supposedly picking up a bullet from GRASS.

I think it's quite possible, in fact likely, a bullet did hit pavement right near the limo. I lean to the 'pavement bullet', or a fragment thereof, going on to chip the curb near Tague resulting in his facial abrasion, but it's also possible the chipped curb was a result of a fragment from the head shot.

Feel free to explain what YOU think caused the limo damage and Tague's wounds, and then take a crack at explaining where the missing bullet(s) went in whatever proposed alternative to the Single Bullet Fact YOU can come up with.


Online Mitch Todd

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2018, 08:22:52 PM »
Bullet through Connally ca. Z223
Bullet through Connally ca. Z271

Jacket billowing, right wrist or hat
dropped down. Facial reaction/"hat flip"
immediately after this animation

Do you see anything so compelling
in Mason's proposed area where
Connally was struck in torso and wrist?

Per Mason, Connally (not struck in torso and wrist until after the animation) merely shows concern for JFK. ( And possibly swatting away a fly with his hat )

Kennedy's hand-clench in Z224 could be consistent with how his hand would cup over the other during the motorcade.

When Kennedy raises his right arm from the car-rail earlier in the Zapruder film, the hand is clenched-like (Z174). Likewise, lowering the right arm to cup over the other would cause the right hand to be clench-like.


If you find that credible, then the first voluntary reaction, where the hand begins to change in a fist, would be Z225.
I would suggest looking at the position of JFK's left elbow before he disappears behind the sign and comparing to the movement it makes after it reappears. As far as I can tell, it's in the same position at 224 as it was in 196. Then it moves up very abruptly, and very high.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2018, 08:22:52 PM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #75 on: September 22, 2018, 08:43:28 PM »
The only person that really could have known about when and what happened to JFK was his wife.  Her voice and opinion as a witness was never questioned.   Why not?   She was the only one that watched the whole scene unfold from behind the sign to after she tried to flee the car.  We note here reaction at Z340 at which point she notices the hole in her husband's head, 1.5 seconds after Z312.  That is an impossible reaction time when you see how quickly she tried to fllee the car immediately after.  I am sure she felt that having seen her husband hit twice, another bullet could miss and hit her at any moment.  She had about 6 seconds to digest the full impact of a first shot to the time that another serious one hit her husband at Z330.

Her testimony on how she saw the whole scene was never questioned.   It was ignored.   Did she not make some comments like "I want them to see what they have done to Jack" when Johnson was sworn in on the airplane and again when she saw him lying in the coffin that she said something like "That's not Jack!"    Was there ever a video interview done to ask her anything of her recollections of what she saw?   She was the most key witness to the event as she watched the whole event unfold at his side!
 In any real murder investigation,  her statement would never have NOT been taken.  I don't care if your husband was the POTUS or not and you just witnessed his death.   That makes it even more important to record her statement and is extremely suspicious. 
A simple question like "do you know of anyone that held a grudge against your husband or wanted to have him killed?"  and recording this is the first step in a real investigation involving foul play.    JC and his wife were allowed to give their testimony again and again and broadcast it.   It was like she was afraid to speak and never questioned about her eyewitness testimony.   Or rather THEY did not want her to speak! She had a clear view and certainly would have been able to tell you everything!   The failure to record this information is evidence that there was a cover up!  Then you have to ask "why the coverup"?     It is no different than trying to get an answer of tax returns for LHO or bank information to see where and who paid his bills - especially for his trips!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 08:55:03 PM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Don Echols

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #76 on: September 22, 2018, 10:12:28 PM »
Until the day he died Connally said he had not been shot by the same bullet. He should know,after all he was an hunter,but do go back,and watch,Zapruda film,do it in slow motion. Notice when Kennedy is hit Connally is turned looking at the president,then he is hit.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #76 on: September 22, 2018, 10:12:28 PM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2018, 01:00:59 AM »
Until the day he died Connally said he had not been shot by the same bullet. He should know,after all he was an hunter,but do go back,and watch,Zapruda film,do it in slow motion. Notice when Kennedy is hit Connally is turned looking at the president,then he is hit.
Connally repeatedly testified that he felt the bullet hit him when he was facing forward. In every version of hist testimony that I'm aware of (NBC/Agronsky, WC, TMWKK) he's the process of trying to turn to his left when he feels a bullet hit him.  If you want to use the Zapruder film to pinpoint a shot, you have to account for that turn to the left.

Offline Andrew Mason

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Re: If a bullet didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #78 on: September 23, 2018, 01:23:16 AM »
Connally repeatedly testified that he felt the bullet hit him when he was facing forward. In every version of hist testimony that I'm aware of (NBC/Agronsky, WC, TMWKK) he's the process of trying to turn to his left when he feels a bullet hit him.  If you want to use the Zapruder film to pinpoint a shot, you have to account for that turn to the left.
You are saying he must be right on that point.

In order to determine if he was right one has to look at all the evidence. Nellie said he was turned. He told Dr. Shires that he was turned to the right. Nellie said that she turned to look at JFK after the first shot and never looked back after the second shot. She is turned looking back at JFK until z268. Greer said that he turned around immediately after the second shot. He does not turn until z278-280. Over 40 witnesses gave evidence that the second and third shots were in rapid succession, closer together than 1 and 2, which puts the second shot well after z235, which is the last time JBC faced forward. So there is an awful lot of evidence that his recollection in April 1964 that he was facing forward when hit by the second shot was not correct.

It may be that he thought he was facing forward because he had turned as far to his right and saw that JFK had moved left and just decided to turn to his left when he was hit. So rather than an actual recollection of where he was facing, he was reconstructing it in his mind and thought he had turned because that is what he was trying to do. Once he was hit he was in shock and had other things on his mind.   

« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 02:06:11 AM by Andrew Mason »

Offline Rob Caprio

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Re: If CE399 didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2018, 01:25:20 AM »
This isn't difficult Tony, how could Connally be shot from behind without CE399 first passing through Kennedy?


When you show via the evidence that CE 399 is relevant then we can discuss this.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: If CE399 didn't go through JFK, then exactly how did Connally get hit?
« Reply #79 on: September 23, 2018, 01:25:20 AM »