He did not have to raise his hands at all. His hands were already in front of his chest. Look at where his hands are when he emerges from behind the sign (frame z224). Then look at the path from his neck tie knot where the bullet emerged to JBC's right armpit. How does it miss his hands or forearms?
If the SBT is true, and the experiments of Dr. Lattimer are valid, the coat movement at z224 indicates the bullet hit JFK and Connally at z222, one tenth of a second before.
Let?s look at frames z222 through z225:




In z222, the most critical frame, it is impossible to see where either hand is.
In z223, it is impossible to see where the right hand is, but the left hand is clearly too low, at about the level of Connally?s armpit wound.
In z224, we see JFK?s right hand, about lines up with the top of the leather seats.
In z225, JFK?s right hand has dropped a couple of inches.
Only in z225, is either hand, the right hand, at about the right level to intercept the bullet. And even this hand must be to far to his right. Try it yourself. Rest your right elbow on a chair so the elbow is a few inches lower than the shoulder, as JFK was positioned. Wave to the crowds on the left, lower your hand, then raiser to wave to the crowds on the right. At no point should even the fingers of your right hand get directly in front of your throat. Your fingers should not be quite long enough to reach there.
Also, if we assume what was happening, it appears JFK was waving to the crowds while behind the sign. As he was emerging from behind the sign, we can see he was done waving for the moment and was lowering his right hand. This is why is hand is lower in z225 than z224. If we extrapolate to z222, his right hand must have been much further higher. Way to high.
No competent umpire would call that a strike. That was a ball, too low and too outside the reach of his hand.
But really, I have only one question for you Andrew.The best way to determine the truth is with Orthographic or Multiview drawings. Ideally two drawings, at z222, one showing a view from above and the other a view from the side. An example of an orthographic drawing is shown below.

With orthographic drawings from both sides, one can compare, for example, the angle the bullet makes with the limousine, as seen from the top view, with maps of Dealey Plaza.
The following webpage shows a couple of orthographic drawings of the SBT.
http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Single-bullet_theoryAbout halfway down the page is two Single Bullet Theory diagrams shown. The anti-SBT is shown about the Pro-SBT drawing. The Pro-SBT diagram properly shows JFK sitting well outboard of Connally, as we can tell from the Dave Powers film.
For some reason, CTers produce drawings that are obviously wildly off. They seem designed to fool people who don?t know the angles of Dealey Plaza, and who don?t check. For people that don?t check the angles they seem very convincing. A bullet path from the sniper?s nest seems to miss Connally by a lot. But more accurate drawings seem to indicate the bullet should hit near Connally?s armpit, both as seen from the top view and the side view.
Why don?t those who believe the SBT is false show accurate Orthographic drawings, and use these drawings to convince newcomers that the SBT is false.In my experience, CTers are most reluctant to provide a link on the internet to such a diagram. They just provide excuses as to why they don?t need to do this. If the SBT was really false, such accurate orthographic diagrams would be power tools to show it is false.