You just made that up. Most unlikely she had the foggiest clue where he worked.
Maybe try to check the facts before embarrassing yourself. Marina didn't know where her husband worked? Marina is the person who asked Ruth Paine to call the TSBD about the job opportunity after they learned of it. Regardless, that is not even relevant in this context because Ruth Paine
told Marina that the shots were fired from the building in which Oswald worked. That is the reason Marina went to check the blanket. Because she was told by Paine that the shots came from Oswald's building.
Mr. JENNEB. You reached home and Marina suggested that “Would you please
call the Texas School Depository?”
Mrs. PAINE. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. Did Mrs. Paine say anything about the possibility of your husband being involved?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, but she only said that
"By the way, they fired from the building in which Lee is working."My heart dropped. I then went to the garage to see whether the rifle was there, and I saw that the blanket was still there, and I said, "Thank God." I thought, "Can there really be such a stupid man in the world that could do something like that?" But I was already rather upset at that time--I don't know why. Perhaps my intuition. I didn't know what I was doing.