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Author Topic: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar  (Read 50965 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #224 on: June 22, 2022, 10:21:52 PM »
And EVEN if you had some credible basis to call this into question there are multiple witnesses that confirm that she directed the police to the blanket just a short time later.
"Multiple"? Nothing about this in the Report. 
Here you alleging that both Marina and Ruth Paine are lying about this.  That is absurd.   How would Ruth Paine not know there was a rifle in her garage?   What a great question for your fantasy conspirators because if Paine had been involved and willing to lie on their behalf she would have said things like she was aware that he kept a rifle in the garage, she heard him being critical of JFK, and that Oswald was a violent person capable of the act.
And you guys would have believed every one of those proposed  lies. Nothing like bias huh? This is from the Report----
On April 23, 1963, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson was in Dallas for a visit which had been publicized in the Dallas newspapers throughout April.754 The Commission asked Marina Oswald whether she might have misunderstood the object of her husband's threat. She stated, "there is no question that in this incident it was a question of Mr. Nixon." 755 When asked later whether it might have been

Page 189

Mr. Johnson, she said, "Yes, no. I am getting a little confused with so many questions. I was absolutely convinced it was Nixon and now after all these questions I wonder if I am right in my mind?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #224 on: June 22, 2022, 10:21:52 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #225 on: June 22, 2022, 10:32:48 PM »
So what if Marina believed that there was a rifle wrapped in the blanket.... There isn't an iota evidence that IF?  there was a gun in that blanket that it was the Carcano (C2766)

Yep, that’s just the giant leap that “Richard” wants to make.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #226 on: June 22, 2022, 10:33:35 PM »
How does Marina come to "believe" that there would be a rifle in the blanket?  Let us ponder this philosophical contrarian deflection.  Maybe this holds a clue: 

"I was interested in finding out what was in that blanket, and I saw that it was a rifle." Marina Oswald.

All well and good...IF Marina had the ability to determine that the gun was actually a rifle, and not a shotgun ...and...she was certain that the gun was THE  Mannlicher Carcano with the serial number C2766.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #226 on: June 22, 2022, 10:33:35 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #227 on: June 22, 2022, 10:34:27 PM »
How does Marina come to "believe" that there would be a rifle in the blanket?  Let us ponder this philosophical contrarian deflection.  Maybe this holds a clue: 

"I was interested in finding out what was in that blanket, and I saw that it was a rifle." Marina Oswald.

She didn’t see a rifle. She saw the end of a wooden stock that she took to be a rifle.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #228 on: June 23, 2022, 04:39:40 AM »
At the top of Mrs Paine's calendar March 1963 [CE 401] there is a star and a note 'LHO purchase of rifle'. This calendar was confiscated in a search.
Ruth Paine testified that she had no idea Oswald had acquired a rifle and that it had been supposedly  wrapped up in a blanket lying on the floor of her garage [all that time] least not until November 22 when police came to search her house.
But Hey! Marina knew about it all that time-supposedly-but didn't tell her friend Ruth about it in case she walked out and tripped over it or something. My...the secrecy there.
~~Michael Paine testified that he had noticed a blanket with items in it but merely felt around it and determined that it must be camping equipment...supposedly.~~
His lies are another story...the question remains, how did Ruthie know that Harv bought a rifle on Mar 20?
Al Jenner- Commission attorney- asked about this... The rest of Ruthie's garbage can be read here.......
Good luck wading through it all with a shovel because it makes absolutely no sense either.
Mr Jenner failed to ask the real toughie ...Why???...Why did she write that note? 
How could she have not remembered Nov 23 [of all days]?

And Now back to our story......

Ruth Paine marked her calendar when she learned that Lee had order a rifle..... That's the truth!  She DID NOT mark that calendar on 11/23/ 63 because the DPD had possession of that calendar on 11-23-63. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #228 on: June 23, 2022, 04:39:40 AM »

Online David Von Pein

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #229 on: June 24, 2022, 01:51:17 PM »
Ruth Paine marked her calendar when she learned that Lee had order[ed] a rifle. That's the truth! She DID NOT mark that calendar on 11/23/63 because the DPD had possession of that calendar on 11-23-63.

What time was that calendar recovered by the DPD on 11/23?


That calendar notation made by Mrs. Paine was obviously written on that calendar page AFTER the assassination. And there are multiple reasons to know why it HAD to have been written in after November 22nd:

1.) Ruth wasn't even aware that Lee Oswald owned a rifle up until the afternoon of 11/22/63. (Naturally, most CTers think Ruth lied about that, too.)

2.) If Ruth Paine was really the vile patsy-framing vixen and conspirator that CTers think she was, then why on Earth would Ruth, PRIOR to President Kennedy's murder, have written a note on her March 1963 calendar saying "LHO purchase of rifle"?

Do CTers think Ruth was leaving a little bread crumb of conspiratorial proof for future researchers to find, so that those researchers can scream these words with delight -- "Aha! I told you Ruth Paine was a liar!"?

Which, therefore, must also mean that CTers believe that Ruth was privy to the "March 20th" date of Oswald's rifle purchase PRIOR to the time when Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry made that date of 3/20/63 known to the public on national television on November 23, 1963.

So, how did Ruth became aware of that "March 20" information prior to 11/23/63? Was she in cahoots with Klein's Sporting Goods? Or did the evil FBI furnish her with that exact date? Or could it be that it was Ruth Paine HERSELF who faked and manufactured Waldman Exhibit No. 7? Maybe it was Ruth herself who wrote "3/20/63" on that Klein's document. Is that how CTers think she knew the date prior to November 23rd?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2022, 05:20:36 PM by David Von Pein »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #230 on: June 24, 2022, 03:25:43 PM »
Ruth wasn't even aware that Lee Oswald owned a rifle up until the afternoon of 11/22/63. (Naturally, most CTers think Ruth lied about that, too.)
"Naturally...Most" You just made that up.
So, how did Ruth became aware of that "March 20" information prior to 11/23/63? Was she in cahoots with Klein's Sporting Goods? Or did the evil FBI furnish her with that exact date? Or could it be that it was Ruth Paine HERSELF who faked and manufactured Waldman Exhibit No. 7? Maybe it was Ruth herself who wrote "3/20/63" on that Klein's document. Is that how CTers think she knew the date prior to November 23rd?
You must be world famous for making up the most extraneous lighting of gas ever.
The point still missed is why make such an immaterial notation on the calendar in the first place?
I don't have the foggiest clue and neither do you or does anyone else. 

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #231 on: June 24, 2022, 04:57:31 PM »
What time was that calendar recovered by the DPD on 11/23?


That calendar notation made by Mrs. Paine was obviously written on that calendar page AFTER the assassination. And there are multiple reasons to know why it HAD to have been written in after November 22nd:

1.) Ruth wasn't even aware that Lee Oswald owned a rifle up until the afternoon of 11/22/63. (Naturally, most CTers think Ruth lied about that, too.)

2.) If Ruth Paine was really the vile patsy-framing vixen and conspirator that CTers thinks she was, then why on Earth would Ruth, PRIOR to President Kennedy's murder, have written a note on her March 1963 calendar saying "LHO purchase of rifle"?

Do CTers think Ruth was leaving a little bread crumb of conspiratorial proof for future researchers to find, so that those researchers can scream these words with delight -- "Aha! I told you Ruth Paine was a liar!"?

Which, therefore, must also mean that CTers believe that Ruth was privy to the "March 20th" date of Oswald's rifle purchase PRIOR to the time when Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry made that date of 3/20/63 known to the public on national television on November 23, 1963.

So, how did Ruth became aware of that "March 20" information prior to 11/23/63? Was she in cahoots with Klein's Sporting Goods? Or did the evil FBI furnish her with that exact date? Or could it be that it was Ruth Paine HERSELF who faked and manufactured Waldman Exhibit No. 7? Maybe it was Ruth herself who wrote "3/20/63" on that Klein's document. Is that how CTers think she knew the date prior to November 23rd?

The application of logic and facts is, as always. lost on the CTer mind.  They have spent considerable time and effort desperately attempting to rebut the fact that Marina confirmed that Oswald kept a rifle in the blanket.  Bizarrely arguing that when she testified that she "saw that it was a rifle" in the blanket that meant only that she "believed" or "assumed" there was a rifle in the blanket.  And yet here CTers insist Paine had knowledge of Oswald purchasing that rifle because of Paine's notation.  The same rifle that they otherwise contend doesn't exist.  And round and round it goes.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ruthie Paine's Confusing Calendar
« Reply #231 on: June 24, 2022, 04:57:31 PM »