The limousine had slowed to about 8 mph as Hill ran up to it. He takes six or so steps after his left hand gets a grip on the hand-hold.

Shadow-pattern on Jackie's left shoulder | | 
Shoulder-shadow pattern no longer present |

Animation to Z336 | | 
President's head between Jackie's left shoulder and Zapruder camera (texture unlike pink jacket shadow-pattern on Jackie's left shoulder) |
I do see a
shadow formed below her face in the neckline area if that is what you mean? As his head moves forward and she move back, it covers this dark area from about Z331 on. It certainly is not on the left shoulder but in between there and her centerline.
From about Z330 the President's head slumps more and more forward (up to Z338) at about which time she realized the game is up and she could be hit next and moves to exit. The visible tuft of hair/ear on his head which remains throughout gives us the sense of the head motion. Before that, there is no pronounced forward move other than the subtle one between Z312 and Z313 possibly recorded by Altgens in his observation as this is what he saw 15 feet away. JFK's reaction up to about Z322, where he move back in his seat and raises his arm has never been witnessed by anyone or recorded - only the Zapruder frames as far as I know records this move. WC or other reports or statements fail to mention it. Even the anchor newsman at the time (Walter Kronkite) says simply the President slumped forward. True enough if you negate his 1 foot back move and his arm moving up - a mere detail in that process!
Naturally if you want to support a bullet that came from above and behind as LN theory suggests, the motion you see in the frames betwee Z314 and Z322 is contrary to conservation of momentum and impulse/force theory. That motion would suggest a reaction by the President or a bullet coming from a frontal assault (not at all Z312) forcing the head backward as a result of its force. The slight move forward at Z312 which Altgens detected and reported? could have had more to do with JFK trying to breathe than an actual bullet strike. Clearly before Z312, you can see his cheeks are puffed indicating a breathing lapse and possible gasp for breath as he was struggling. A very major blow from the front would force the head back and to the left, clearly frontal/grassy knoll shot theory and thereby a conspiracy to cover it up has ensued.
As well, certainly only the Zapruder frame records a 6 ft plume above the President's head which seems to end rather quickly and does not remain in the air as the car passes below the formed could (8 mph?). Is that part of the protocol to slow down when hit by a sniper? Was John Ready (on the other running board) assigned to protect the President? He takes no steps to follow Clint's Hill advance. The only thing he manages to do in the whole event is "duck". If LBJ has his body guard jump all over him, who was supposed to be doing the same for the President? Again, Clint Hill manages the entire investigation, Jacqueline's body guard! Were was his boss Emory Roberts throughout? Was he busy with LBJ? It seems Hill takes charge of the scene, assigns Johnsen to go with the body (in case it gets switched or is tampered with) and brings in the magic bullet as well! Investigation at its finest hour.
Certainly if you want to believe what you see on the morgue table, his face actually grows back into place, something appears to be all but missing after Z330.