Nix film DEGRADED ?
That would depend on which version you look at.
Regarding the so called limo stop, there was no limo stop, BUT the limo did "slow down to a crawl" immediately after the head shot
as Clint Hill lunged for the grab rail on the limo.

The car acceleration in my opinion occurred just as he had a firm grip on the grab rail. From this point on, the car is in acceleration mode. He has to take several fast steps and then boosts himself up. The head shot came just before he grabbed the rail - the cars slowest speed! This means the interval up to this the car couldn't be going very fast at all.
Too me, the exact timing of the major shot came when the bi-afro girl changes her running stance and moves in the other direction away from the scene in the Nix Film. It also coincides with John Ready (opposite Clint Hll) ducking. The bi-afro girl direction change can be correlated to Z322 where we see this in between the film cogs and is an immediate reaction to something occurring or about to occur as she changes direction!

She may even have thought the man (my inference) running across the front of the car was going to get hit! We see the man end up on his butt in the grass, no reaction by Altgens alongside, rock steady not even a flinch and no photograph at that moment either.
It is readily apparent that the car is in acceleration mode when Hill finally climbs on board. You can match the Nix Film to Jacqueline's white glove going behind JFK's head at about Z336, about 6 frames after a massive head shot (my inference) occurred). 1/3 of a second is a realistic reaction time to the second of 2 bullets landed on Kennedy in quick succession. If all damage is thought to have occurred at Z312 and nothing after, 1 1/2 seconds is a very long time for fright and flight to occur to Mrs. Kennedy! Especially when correlated back to the bi-afro bystander reaction at approximately Z322 as she may anticipate something coming. That is a full 1/2 second after Z312.