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Author Topic: Film footage comparison & film tampering...  (Read 13778 times)

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2018, 06:07:57 PM »
Seems you are the one with deaf ears and blinkered eyes, not me. The autopsy sheet did not show any wound to the top of the head. The doctors at Parkland didn't see a wound to the top of the head.(How strange is that?) Only the photos of the autopsy (dubious at best) and Humes says that there was. And that was after the arrival of the body at Bethesda.
Well Dr. Robert McClelland from the Parkland Hospital issued a statement years later showing his recollections of the wounds he saw at the back of the head and that he thought the shot came from the front.  The only thing different is that he shows the neck wound on the RHS during his interview.  He said the tracheostomy was performed before he got on the scene.

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2018, 06:07:57 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2018, 06:15:05 PM »
Ray - does it really matter? If you strongly believe, as I do, that there was a conspiracy, then the basic proof for that is the Zapruder film.  If you believe, as I and others do, that Oswald could not have pulled off the shooting feat that the WC says he did, then it's pretty much a done deal.  There *was* a conspiracy.  Period.

Quibbling over "where was the top of the head blowout" and all of the other stuff is ridiculous. Forget the kitchen sink mentality and move on knowing that there was a conspiracy - and there is no one on this Earth that can really do anything about it. The only thing that would change things is if there was a POTUS who came in and announced officially and for the record that "There was a conspiracy" and we all know that will never, ever happen. At least not in our lifetime.

Just calling  the Feluccas out, Michael. They can't argue against facts. If the facts are against their beliefs then they are wrong. They believe that the autopsy photos are pukka, despite the people who took them and processed them saying they are not what they saw. As Corporal Jones says "they don't like  it up "em."

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2018, 06:48:19 PM »
Nix film DEGRADED ?

That would depend on which version you look at.

Regarding the so called limo stop, there was no limo stop, BUT the limo did "slow down to a crawl" immediately after the head shot
as Clint Hill lunged for the grab rail on the limo.

The car acceleration in my opinion occurred just as he had a firm grip on the grab rail.  From this point on, the car is in acceleration mode.  He has to take several fast steps and then boosts himself up.  The head shot came just before he grabbed the rail - the cars slowest speed!  This means the interval up to this the car couldn't be going very fast at all.

Too me, the exact timing of the major shot came when the bi-afro girl changes her running stance and moves in the other direction away from the scene in the Nix Film.  It also coincides with John Ready (opposite Clint Hll) ducking.  The bi-afro girl direction change can be correlated to Z322 where we see this in between the film cogs and is an immediate reaction to something occurring or about to occur as she changes direction! 

She may even have thought the man (my inference) running across the front of the car was going to get hit!   We see the man end up on his butt in the grass, no reaction by Altgens alongside, rock steady not even a flinch and no photograph at that moment either.
It is readily apparent that the car is in acceleration mode when Hill finally climbs on board.   You can match the Nix Film to Jacqueline's white glove going behind JFK's head at about Z336, about 6 frames after a massive head shot (my inference) occurred).  1/3 of a second is a realistic reaction time to the second of 2 bullets landed on Kennedy in quick succession.  If all damage is thought to have occurred at Z312 and nothing after,  1 1/2 seconds is a very long time for fright and flight to occur to Mrs. Kennedy!  Especially when correlated back to the bi-afro bystander reaction at approximately Z322 as she may anticipate something coming.  That is a full 1/2 second after Z312.

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2018, 06:48:19 PM »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2018, 08:57:36 PM »
The car acceleration in my opinion occurred just as he had a firm grip on the grab rail.  From this point on, the car is in acceleration mode.  He has to take several fast steps and then boosts himself up.  The head shot came just before he grabbed the rail - the cars slowest speed!  This means the interval up to this the car couldn't be going very fast at all.

Too me, the exact timing of the major shot came when the bi-afro girl changes her running stance and moves in the other direction away from the scene in the Nix Film.  It also coincides with John Ready (opposite Clint Hll) ducking.  The bi-afro girl direction change can be correlated to Z322 where we see this in between the film cogs and is an immediate reaction to something occurring or about to occur as she changes direction! 

She may even have thought the man (my inference) running across the front of the car was going to get hit!   We see the man end up on his butt in the grass, no reaction by Altgens alongside, rock steady not even a flinch and no photograph at that moment either.
It is readily apparent that the car is in acceleration mode when Hill finally climbs on board.   You can match the Nix Film to Jacqueline's white glove going behind JFK's head at about Z336, about 6 frames after a massive head shot (my inference) occurred).  1/3 of a second is a realistic reaction time to the second of 2 bullets landed on Kennedy in quick succession.  If all damage is thought to have occurred at Z312 and nothing after,  1 1/2 seconds is a very long time for fright and flight to occur to Mrs. Kennedy!  Especially when correlated back to the bi-afro bystander reaction at approximately Z322 as she may anticipate something coming.  That is a full 1/2 second after Z312.

People react in different ways, Allan.  Three of the four cyclists, who were mere feet away from the head shot, just watched, slowed down, and then went on while the other one (Chaney) was alert enough to have slowed down and then come to a stop. If I'm not mistaken, at the very end of the clip, he even looks back toward the building.

It was basic mass confusion not only by them but by everyone else.  Yes, the one guy throws himself down while Altgens doesn't.  Big deal. It means absolutely nothing. I just shot a wedding party recently and took a photo of the bride smashing the cake into the groom's face.  You can clearly see the audience in the background.  There's a wide variety of reactions - some smiling, one person threw their head back in laughter, a few staring in stony silence.

The entire Dealey sequence was very short - no more than 6 seconds - and no one was standing around saying, "OK...wait for it!  Here it comes! Boom!"

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2018, 11:18:08 PM »
WTF is a "bi-afro"?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2018, 11:18:08 PM »

Offline Ray Mitcham

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2018, 01:10:57 PM »
WTF is a "bi-afro"?

One white parent and one black parent. Originally called "Mulattos".

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #38 on: October 03, 2018, 04:14:37 PM »
WTF is a "bi-afro"?
Here we go again.  A quick look up on google and you can dig up some examples and see who I am referring to at the cog in this film!
It is a hair style that is worn by a lot of African Americans.  Maybe should be called big afro - Idk!

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2018, 04:34:45 PM »
People react in different ways, Allan.  Three of the four cyclists, who were mere feet away from the head shot, just watched, slowed down, and then went on while the other one (Chaney) was alert enough to have slowed down and then come to a stop. If I'm not mistaken, at the very end of the clip, he even looks back toward the building.

It was basic mass confusion not only by them but by everyone else.  Yes, the one guy throws himself down while Altgens doesn't.  Big deal. It means absolutely nothing. I just shot a wedding party recently and took a photo of the bride smashing the cake into the groom's face.  You can clearly see the audience in the background.  There's a wide variety of reactions - some smiling, one person threw their head back in laughter, a few staring in stony silence.

The entire Dealey sequence was very short - no more than 6 seconds - and no one was standing around saying, "OK...wait for it!  Here it comes! Boom!"
Is that the proper way to react when you are acting to protect the President?  What was their purpose?  If anything, they should be getting in the way so that additional shots cannot be landed!    Their umbrella of protection should not be removed!  That is the purpose of an escort is it not?  To serve and protect?   As I said Clint Hill made a dash for the car to protect Jacqueline.   Who was there to protect the President?  John Ready?  No one!   Instead, the car slowed down when you would expect an immediate acceleration after the first neck shot was landed.

If driver Greer was studying the President since the neck shot occurred, he sure reacted properly by slowing the vehicle down to take in more shots!!! 

Certainly the head swing of the driver between frames is ridiculous.    That is not proper protocol or common sense when bullets are striking your vehicle to slow the vehicle down.    It is ridiculous for a well trained SS to slow down the car to a crawl rather than to flee the scene as quickly as possible after the neck shot.  If you want to believe that he had his eyes on the President for the time in between neck shot and head shot and doesn't react by accelerating the car - there is something wrong with this picture!

« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 04:42:41 PM by Allan Fritzke »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Film footage comparison & film tampering...
« Reply #39 on: October 03, 2018, 04:34:45 PM »