Funny how you are now an expert on the condition of the right sleeve of JFK's jacket even though you have never ever even personally inspected it. Or have you?
I have contacted the archives and requested a photograph of the area in question. Hopefully they will grant me a close up of the marked area. I have been in contact with the last person to physically handle the coat and even he wasn't sure he saw brain matter over a tear in the fabric.
At the moment all we have is speculation. If I am granted any photography of the jacket sleeve I will post it here.
It isn't any funnier than you creating all kinds of theories and seeing things in the films and photos that aren't there, or, they aren't what you claim they are.
No, at the moment, we do not have speculation, re the pink matter on the coat sleeve. You apparently haven't examined the clearest Zapruder film frames. Are you not aware that there are several large bits of brain falling from the head wound downward and into the path of the arm of President Kennedy? I have never claimed to be an "expert", but I do use common sense, and I do see brain tissue falling in the direction of the upraised arm. Some of which landed on the arm suit coat.