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Author Topic: In 54 years has it ever been proven that CE399 is the bullet found at Parkland?  (Read 36858 times)

Offline Rob Caprio

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Don't confuse your lame ass threads (where you're violently beat over the head with the evidence) with Weidmann's reasonable one.


Your "evidence" is as invisible as the bag supposedly found in the alleged SN.

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Offline Rob Caprio

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At trial, CE-399 would most likely be determined to be admissible.  Most evidence, if the only issue with it is a questionable chain of custody, is indeed admissible.  It is then left up to the jury to decide how much weight to give a certain piece of evidence with a questionable chain of custody.

The trial judge would admit the bullet.  A questionable chain of custody of CE-399 may affect how much weight the jury gives the bullet but a questionable chain, on its own, does not affect it's admissibility.

The single bullet that passed through both Kennedy and Connally and ended up in Connally's thigh must, at some point, be found somewhere.  Even if this bullet was NOT CE-399, it is a must that this bullet would be found by someone somewhere.  No other bullet has ever been found (in Connally's thigh or elsewhere).  Even if you do not believe in the single bullet theory, the fact remains that a bullet lodged itself in Connally's left thigh.

To any conspiracy advocate, especially the original poster of this thread, have you ever seen any evidence put forth which suggests that a bullet, other than CE-399, was found inside Connally's thigh or anywhere else related to the known movements of the bodies of both Kennedy and Connally?

On the night of the assassination and overnight into SaPersonay morning, the limousine was searched by the FBI.  They were looking for evidence.  Smaller fragments were found but no intact bullet, like 399, was found.  No other bullet has ever been turned in and placed into the record and this circumstantial evidence alone gets 399 admitted into evidence.

It's up to the jury to decide, based on a questionable chain of custody, how much weight to give CE-399 as the bullet found at Parkland.

Also, it is up to the defense, since CE-399 was linked to Oswald's rifle to the exclusion of all other weapons in the world, to convince the jury that CE-399 was NOT the bullet found at the hospital.  Has anyone in this forum (or anywhere else) done so?

Why not cite some court cases that support your claim?

Offline Rob Caprio

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You are 100% correct.

He's a disgrace to all credible people who believe in a conspiracy and who evaluate the evidence in an honest manner.

Says the guy who DOESN'T believe in a conspiracy and rarely ever cites the evidence. 

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Offline Rob Caprio

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It's just as irrelevant as claiming evidence would be admitted at a trial that will never be.

Now, can you show that the bullet now in evidence as CE399 was ever at Parkland Hospital?

And then he claims that I have hijacked the thread. Priceless.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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   Even if you do not believe in the single bullet theory ......................
Consistently admits it is indeed just a 'theory'.

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Offline Ross Lidell

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The error made by conspiracy theorists and contrarians is to demand proof rather than come to a conclusion.

There is often an element of subjectivity in deciding what the truth is. An obstinate individual might never accept the truth no matter how much information is available.

Regarding CE399 found at Parkland Hospital by Daryl C. Tomlinson: we have his statement made to CBS Television for their 1967 program ?CBS News Inquiry ? The Warren Report?.

A conclusion usually involves deciding which alternative scenario is more likely to be what actually happened: the truth.

Alternative #1: The bullet found at Parkland Hospital (CE399) was fired by C2766?the rifle now in the National Archives in Washington DC. Moreover it was fired at approximately 12:30 pm CST by the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.

?   Witnesses heard three (3) shots fired at President Kennedy?s limousine as it drove down Elm Street, Dealey Plaza. Three of those witnesses were directly beneath the shooter who was firing from the SE corner (6th floor) of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (TSBD).

?   A Mannlicher Carcano rifle (C2766) was found on the 6th floor of the TSBD near the rear stairs. The rifle was determined to be owned and possessed by an employee of the TSBD, Lee Harvey Oswald.

?   Three cartridge cases were found in the SE corner (6th floor) of the TSBD. Ballistic tests concluded that they were fired in the Carcano rifle C2766.

?   Two bullet fragments were found in the Presidential limousine (in Washington DC) on the evening of 22 November 1963. Ballistic tests concluded the fragments were parts of a bullet fired in C2766.

?   One whole bullet was found at Parkland Hospital soon after President Kennedy and Governor Connally were admitted there.

?   Hospital employee Daryl C. Tomlinson found the bullet that was designated by the Warren Commission as CE399.

?   Ballistic tests concluded that CE399 was fired in the Carcano rifle C2766.

?   CE 399 has damage consistent with causing wounds to President Kennedy and Governor Connally.

Alternative #2: The bullet found at Parkland Hospital by Daryl C. Tomlinson was lost or deliberately discarded by the FBI. Another bullet was fired in C2766 and presented to the Warren Commission as the stretcher bullet (CE399).

Alternative #3: The bullet found at Parkland Hospital (CE399) was fired by C2766?the rifle now in the National Archives in Washington DC. It was fired at some undetermined time (prior to 12:30 pm CST) by an unknown person. Subsequently it was planted at Parkland Hospital by an unknown person at a time that cannot be precisely determined. Those persons were part of conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy. The bullet was planted to frame Lee Harvey Oswald as the assassin of President John F. Kennedy.

Those who believe ?Alternative #3? to be ?the truth? are required to explain a scenario in which CE399 was planted by conspirators. They must provide convincing evidence to prove their version of ?the truth?.

Alternately it can be conceded that it was CE399 that fell out of the shallow wound in Governor Connally?s thigh on to the stretcher that he lay on during his journey up to the operating room at Parkland Hospital. That bullet now resides in the National Archives in Washington DC.

Those are the three (3) alternatives. I look forward to the writer of the subject stating which alternatives he believes is ?the truth?... presumably #2 or #3. 
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 11:49:24 PM by Ross Lidell »

Offline John Iacoletti

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?   CE 399 has damage consistent with causing wounds to President Kennedy and Governor Connally.

I find this a really interesting argument.  Is there any bullet condition that you would say was not consistent?

Those are the three (3) alternatives. I look forward to the writer of the subject stating which alternatives he believes is ?the truth?... presumably #2 or #3.

These are not by any means an exhaustive list of alternatives.  For example there was the story about SS agent Sam Kinney admitting on his death bed that he found a bullet in the limo and placed it on a stretcher at Parkland.

But I'm curious about what reasons you would have for rejecting your #2 alternative as a reasonable scenario that would fit all of the known evidence (well, with the caveat that we don't know if the bullet that Tomlinson found ever actually made it to the FBI).
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 12:01:55 AM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Ross Lidell

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I find this a really interesting argument.  Is there any bullet condition that you would say was not consistent?

These are not by any means an exhaustive list of alternatives.  For example there was the story about SS agent Sam Kinney admitting on his death bed that he found a bullet in the limo and placed it on a stretcher at Parkland.

But I'm curious about what reasons you would have for rejecting your #2 alternative as a reasonable scenario that would fit all of the known evidence (well, with the caveat that we don't know if the bullet that Tomlinson found ever actually made it to the FBI).

These are not by any means an exhaustive list of alternatives.  For example there was the story about SS agent Sam Kinney admitting on his death bed that he found a bullet in the limo and placed it on a stretcher at Parkland.

Story!!! You're a great one for demanding "citations" John... or is it Rob Caprio? Regardless: do you have one?

If the Kinney "story" was true: it supports CE399 as a bullet fired by the assassin from the 6th floor of the TSBD.

This "death bed" stuff is amazing. I wish you a long and healthy life John. However, is it possible you might become an ODIA at the last moment?

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