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Author Topic: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.  (Read 18622 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2019, 05:23:16 PM »
I think you're very confused, Chris. First, your drawing remarkably almost matches mine. I'm assuming, though, that your red X is Altgens? If so, you're wrong about that, Chris. He was up much further than that. He's out of the frame in Muchmore because he was up further on Elm.

Second, Altgens marked himself on CE 354 exactly where he was and can be seen in the Z film. Any serious researcher of this case sees Altgens as he's standing in the exact same position he points himself out (#3) in CE354 as you see him in the Z film. This further negates where you *think* he was in your diagram.

Third, he said he heard no more shots after the head shot. This is accurate and is also accurate from other witnesses. The shots stopped after Z313.

Fourth, Altgens said he was "about 15 feet away" from the head shot, which is more or less about right. If you look at CE354 where he marked himself and then allow the car to move a little bit further down to when Z313 takes place, it's exactly in the same position as the diorama, the Muchmore film, the Z film, and the Nix film. Please don't hold it against Altens though, Chris, if his "15 feet away" quote would ever be inaccurate. It's just an estimate from someone who was where he said he was but didn't go back seconds after it was all over with a measuring tape to get the exact distance.

Fifth, as your blue X marks as well as mine shows, that blue X is roughly where Altgens said he pointed his camera toward and took his final photo showing Jackie up on top of the trunk (or climbing back in rather) with Hill up there too. With no witness at all reporting, including Altgens himself, that no other shots were ever fired this far down the street and all shots ending at Z313, it's impossible for more shots to have occurred like you think they did way down by the blue X.

Sixth, people make mistakes, Chris. All kinds of crazy reports were coming in minutes after the shooting took place. Witnesses have said some pretty goofy stuff in this case. Altgens was obviously where he said he was, but we shouldn't hold him down to being exactly and precisely "...15 feet away." And yes, there was a conspiracy in this case, but just because the FBI agents made a mistake in putting cars on a diorama too far down the street, then realizing their mistake and moving them up to the actual and correct position, doesn't mean something sinister took place.

Seventh, the FBI got it right the second time around with their diorama, Chris. The first time was a simple mistake that they corrected and was not corrected because of some nefarious reason, Chris. The proof is all of the films mentioned above match up perfectly where the final shots at Z313 take place. The old guy - looking upward and facing the Muchmore camera - reacts perfectly to these final shots that took place.

     When you say Altgens was "UP Much further than that", I assume you mean further East Up Elm toward Houston St.  I disagree with the You and the generally accepted physical position of Altgens due to where we see the Hargis Motorcycle Stopped on Elm after the assassination. Officer Hargis Stopped and got off his motorcycle after coasting several feet West on Elm St immediately following the Kill Shot. Altgens was standing to the West of the Hargis cycle/toward the Triple Underpass. I believe the Red X is generally correct based on the Bell Film clearly showing where on Elm the Hargis Motorcycle was Stopped. Altgens was standing West of that cycle. This Altgens position is also corroborated by the Couch Film. Couch shows Altgens walking East along the sidewalk approaching/passing the Newman Family as he heads Toward the light pole that Officer Hargis is simultaneously leaving. ( The Hargis motorcycle being Behind Altgens as he moves down the sidewalk). The Couch Film also gives us a general idea as to where on the South side of Elm that Altgens was standing.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 05:24:13 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #32 on: March 03, 2019, 05:23:16 PM »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #33 on: March 03, 2019, 08:23:30 PM »
I think you're very confused, Chris. First, your drawing remarkably almost matches mine. I'm assuming, though, that your red X is Altgens? If so, you're wrong about that, Chris. He was up much further than that. He's out of the frame in Muchmore because he was up further on Elm.

Second, Altgens marked himself on CE 354 exactly where he was and can be seen in the Z film. Any serious researcher of this case sees Altgens as he's standing in the exact same position he points himself out (#3) in CE354 as you see him in the Z film. This further negates where you *think* he was in your diagram.

Third, he said he heard no more shots after the head shot. This is accurate and is also accurate from other witnesses. The shots stopped after Z313.

Fourth, Altgens said he was "about 15 feet away" from the head shot, which is more or less about right. If you look at CE354 where he marked himself and then allow the car to move a little bit further down to when Z313 takes place, it's exactly in the same position as the diorama, the Muchmore film, the Z film, and the Nix film. Please don't hold it against Altens though, Chris, if his "15 feet away" quote would ever be inaccurate. It's just an estimate from someone who was where he said he was but didn't go back seconds after it was all over with a measuring tape to get the exact distance.

Fifth, as your blue X marks as well as mine shows, that blue X is roughly where Altgens said he pointed his camera toward and took his final photo showing Jackie up on top of the trunk (or climbing back in rather) with Hill up there too. With no witness at all reporting, including Altgens himself, that no other shots were ever fired this far down the street and all shots ending at Z313, it's impossible for more shots to have occurred like you think they did way down by the blue X.

Sixth, people make mistakes, Chris. All kinds of crazy reports were coming in minutes after the shooting took place. Witnesses have said some pretty goofy stuff in this case. Altgens was obviously where he said he was, but we shouldn't hold him down to being exactly and precisely "...15 feet away." And yes, there was a conspiracy in this case, but just because the FBI agents made a mistake in putting cars on a diorama too far down the street, then realizing their mistake and moving them up to the actual and correct position, doesn't mean something sinister took place.

Seventh, the FBI got it right the second time around with their diorama, Chris. The first time was a simple mistake that they corrected and was not corrected because of some nefarious reason, Chris. The proof is all of the films mentioned above match up perfectly where the final shots at Z313 take place. The old guy - looking upward and facing the Muchmore camera - reacts perfectly to these final shots that took place.
CE354 for orientation purposes.
I rest my case.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2019, 12:46:53 AM by Chris Davidson »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2019, 12:33:16 AM »
OK, Chris, OK. I'm not going to keep quibbling with you over this. As I told you before there's no proof whatsoever that shots were fired after what we see in all of the films and the endpoint seen at Z313. The shots ended at that very point and all you have to do is read Altgens's testimony. He said he wasn't sure about a lot of things but he was definite on that.  And no one else has ever claimed any more shots were fired after Z313.

After you've posted literally thousands of posts on the other forum and now here about this dumb ass theory, I don't think you'd ever have it in you anyway to at least reconsider your ridiculous theory is nothing but a crock of BS. You're a laughingstock in this JFK case. Because you have some kind of ulterior motive - what in god's name it is I have no idea but it's probably that you don't trust or "hate" the government - that you simply have lost the ability of self-analysis and to see that not everything in the Kennedy case was a conspiracy.

But you keep right on plugging away, Chris, keep right on believing whatever it is you want to believe.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #34 on: March 05, 2019, 12:33:16 AM »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #35 on: March 05, 2019, 07:45:26 AM »
OK, Chris, OK. I'm not going to keep quibbling with you over this. As I told you before there's no proof whatsoever that shots were fired after what we see in all of the films and the endpoint seen at Z313. The shots ended at that very point and all you have to do is read Altgens's testimony. He said he wasn't sure about a lot of things but he was definite on that.  And no one else has ever claimed any more shots were fired after Z313.

After you've posted literally thousands of posts on the other forum and now here about this dumb ass theory, I don't think you'd ever have it in you anyway to at least reconsider your ridiculous theory is nothing but a crock of BS. You're a laughingstock in this JFK case. Because you have some kind of ulterior motive - what in god's name it is I have no idea but it's probably that you don't trust or "hate" the government - that you simply have lost the ability of self-analysis and to see that not everything in the Kennedy case was a conspiracy.

But you keep right on plugging away, Chris, keep right on believing whatever it is you want to believe.
Let me translate this for others to enjoy:
You didn't have a clue where Altgens was standing. You just realized you didn't have a clue and/or you still don't realize.
If you don't know where Altgens was standing, how could you possibly understand any of his testimony?
Look in the mirror and start laughing at yourself.
That would be a much more constructive use of your time rather than making a fool of yourself trying to figure out a simple question about Altgen's physical location on Elm St.

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2019, 07:23:58 AM »
Once again, Chris, you're quibbling about this, trying to prove I'm wrong. Don't quibble, Chris.

Stick to the case, Chris, and answer the simple question - James Altgens said no more shots were fired after the head shot, which is indicated in Z313 and all of the other films.

Are you saying Altgens was wrong? Someone who said he was 15 feet (approximately) away when the head shot hit? Are you saying he's wrong and you're right when you nor anyone else on this forum were there and actually witnessed the shooting?

Are you saying, when Altgens states in his testimony that with a great degree of certainty, no more shots were fired after the head shot, that he's wrong and your theory proves otherwise, that more shots did take place after the head shot?

Answer the question, Chris. Don't quibble. Don't make it about you nor me nor anyone else.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #36 on: March 07, 2019, 07:23:58 AM »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #37 on: March 07, 2019, 05:24:04 PM »
Once again, Chris, you're quibbling about this, trying to prove I'm wrong. Don't quibble, Chris.

Stick to the case, Chris, and answer the simple question - James Altgens said no more shots were fired after the head shot, which is indicated in Z313 and all of the other films.

Are you saying Altgens was wrong? Someone who said he was 15 feet (approximately) away when the head shot hit? Are you saying he's wrong and you're right when you nor anyone else on this forum were there and actually witnessed the shooting?

Are you saying, when Altgens states in his testimony that with a great degree of certainty, no more shots were fired after the head shot, that he's wrong and your theory proves otherwise, that more shots did take place after the head shot?

Answer the question, Chris. Don't quibble. Don't make it about you nor me nor anyone else.
It's math time for MW.
The (width of Elm St) divided by (3 lanes) + the (distance to JFK in the limo from lane marker closest to Jackie) = ?
So the SS/FBI heard Altgens description of a headshot and therefore it was plotted as shot #3. Not
Stop wasting my time.

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #38 on: March 07, 2019, 05:54:29 PM »
A more official diorama might help.

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2019, 08:45:59 PM »
Since MW was nice enough to supply a linked version of Muchmore's video, obviously not created by him, I thought I would make it a little easier to understand a problem that arises from it.
I took the supplied version and stabilized Clint (rest your cursor on Clint's head to understand stabilization), while creating the more appropriate real speed at which Clint ran after the limo.
Remember, to start with, Clint is a certain distance behind the back of the limo while a particular number of frames elapses as the limo continues on.
If the proper distance is determined for distance traveled via plotting, we can determine if Clint is more super human than Usain Bolt in his world record setting 100m dash.
Here's a hint, how many full/half strides does Clint take in 21 frames as he pushes off from the SS followup car?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chris Davidson's Zapruder film Re-enactment.
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2019, 08:45:59 PM »