Walt, I just took some more photos and retested this and it does in fact change the angle when you move from directly in front towards the side. The angle changed(decreased) by about 20 degrees. I was not duplicating the angles exactly so the 20 degrees is just a sample result but it demonstrate the change is dramatic. I also compared a photo from above to the photo i took directly in front. Going from above to approx 10 feet away and 5 feet high changed it from 20 to 60 degrees, then moving off to the side decreased it back to around 40 degrees.
So the actual measurement taken from above was 20. At a distance of 10 feet and 5 feet high changed it to 63 degrees. At 10 feet away and 5 feet high and moving off to the right of center(directly in front of the limo) reduced the angle by 20 degrees back to 40 degrees.
EDIT: I said 5 feet high but forgot it was on a table, so 2 feet high is correct. This is why my result had some extra unexplained distortion.