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Author Topic: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242  (Read 121114 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #120 on: October 10, 2018, 07:11:51 PM »
Sounds good. We will need to post an accurate line of sight drawn on the map to measure the clearance between the limo an Chaney.

Not only do we need a accurate LOS....  We need to locate the Lincoln as accurately as possible.   

I believe Altgen's snapped the photo from a site that is different from the one that LBJ's Blue Ribbon Cover Up Committee presented.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #120 on: October 10, 2018, 07:11:51 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #121 on: October 10, 2018, 08:30:50 PM »
Not only do we need a accurate LOS....  We need to locate the Lincoln as accurately as possible.   

I believe Altgen's snapped the photo from a site that is different from the one that LBJ's Blue Ribbon Cover Up Committee presented.

      This is Exactly what Altgens was defiant about during his WC Testimony. He said something along the lines of based on the shutter speed setting he had placed on his camera, there was No Way from that distance his camera would have produced a focused photo. Altgens was a Pro Photographer and pros Know Exactly what they have their equipment set at. Altgens and his camera is no different than a pro sniper and his rifle.  Both know the tools of their trade inside and out.

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #122 on: October 10, 2018, 08:52:24 PM »
Not only do we need a accurate LOS....  We need to locate the Lincoln as accurately as possible.   

I believe Altgen's snapped the photo from a site that is different from the one that LBJ's Blue Ribbon Cover Up Committee presented.
If Altgens snapped the photo from a different location then they photoshopped the image in a big way because multiple lines of sight put Altgens in the street where the WC says he was.  If that is faked then there really is no use debating the position of Chaney based on Altgens 6.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #122 on: October 10, 2018, 08:52:24 PM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #123 on: October 10, 2018, 10:39:23 PM »
Not that I disagree with you Robin but if Altgens walked directly backwards along that line of sight he would be back on the grass and 20 feet farther West. Of course only one line of sight would remain the same, the others would be off. but you would still have that same view of the street while being on the grass if he zoomed in a bit.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #124 on: October 11, 2018, 12:16:51 AM »

HEAVY on speculation, Light on proof

just more lip flapping and Text,Text,Text

If you two are an example of the "new gaurd" then god help the future of JFK Research after the old gaurd are gone.

Altgens 6 (field of view) Credit: Martin Hinricks

Thank you for posting this ....

Robin, you will probably disagree , and you "may" be able to PROVE that I'm wrong .....But Here's what I see....the Altgens photo shows the center of the third window from the SE corner of the TSBD, aligns with SW corner of the concrete pylon behind Chaney and that line extends through the hood ornament of the Lincoln.   In this drawing the Lincoln is at least a full car length too far east ......And Altgens is depicted as being about thirty feet too far west.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #124 on: October 11, 2018, 12:16:51 AM »

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #125 on: October 11, 2018, 12:19:04 AM »
The WC knew where Altgens was standing using the extant Z film.
Altgen's testimony occurred July 22, 1964.
#3 isn't close to his known position.
Mr. LIEBELER - Wait just a minute now--at this point, as you ran across, you were along Elm Street; is that correct?
Mr. ALTGENS - Well, I ran across and reached up into--well, the curb area on the west side of Elm Street.
Mr. LIEBELER - Across Elm Street from the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; and if I had a picture I could probably show you exactly where I was standing. I did show it to Agent Switzer, if that would be of any help to you.
Mr. LIEBELER - Yes; I would like to locate that spot. I show you Exhibit No. 354, which is an aerial view of the area that we have been discussing.
Mr. ALTGENS - This is the Book Depository Building, correct?
(The witness points to the School Book Depository Building.)
Mr. ALTGENS - This would put me at approximately this area here, which would be about 15 feet from me at the time he was shot in the head--about 15 feet from the car on the west side of the car--on the side that Mrs. Kennedy was riding in the car.
Mr. LIEBELER - You have indicated a spot along the side of Elm Street which I have marked with a No. 3; is that correct?
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - Is that approximately where you were standing?
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - Now, when you took the picture of the caravan turning from Main Street to the right on Houston Street, you then ran across this Dealey Plaza?
Mr. ALTGENS - Down this way; yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - Along the lawn part.
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - To the point marked No. 3 on Commission Exhibit No. 354?
Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir.

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #126 on: October 11, 2018, 12:45:19 AM »
The LOS for Altgens 6 using 1978 Drommer plat (red line in the middle) and WC final plat July 1964 (red line at bottom).
The difference being what frame#(Z255 and Z249) is depicted by the WC with the limo in position.
The WC did not have access to Drommer back in 1964.
What needs to be altered, to even out the bottom lane marker which lies just ahead of the limo front, with its matching top lane marker?
Once you figure that out, look at Altgens 6 again for a match.
Disregard top red line.

Offline Chris Davidson

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #127 on: October 11, 2018, 12:54:19 AM »
It doesn't matter what Z frame we think Altgen's 6 aligns with.

What matters is understanding what was manipulated and how, by the WC, to make us believe it should align with Z255.

Here's some help:

The WC CE884 chart listed Z161 and Z168 as the same physical location = 7 frames apart.
The WC CE884 chart listed Z166 and Z171 as the same physical location = 5 frames apart.
The difference between Z249 and Z255 = 6 frames.
Lightbulb starting to flicker???

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #127 on: October 11, 2018, 12:54:19 AM »