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Author Topic: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242  (Read 121014 times)

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #224 on: October 16, 2018, 03:22:48 AM »
Walt you have already demonstrated that you understand 'line of sight'. Chaney's hand would not disappear behind Kellerman because Chaney moves back AND OUT keeping him in the same position relative to the limo. As far as hand size, the kellerman comparison contradicts the JFK's hand comparison. Comparing to JFK's hand is better because JFK is at the same distance as you say Chaney is. You are also comparing hand vs hand not hand vs face. I would take the JFK's hand comparison over Kellermans, or i would throw them both out as unreliable.
 At this point the evidence is pretty solid that the LOS shows Chaney would be too close to the limo, that is the issue to address.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #224 on: October 16, 2018, 03:22:48 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #225 on: October 16, 2018, 03:46:41 AM »
The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot, but the Nix and Z films show he did not ride forward. Yet 3 of the 4 people in Curry's car said he did ride up to them and that he told them the president has been hit.
  If the limo stop was removed from the Z film it would leave no time and space for Chaney to ride forward AHEAD of the limo and speak to Curry. So Chaney's ride forward would have to be removed too.
 That theory does not effect Chaney's position in 255. I think separate issues may have been conflated. There is another conflated theory around Chaney's testimony that he "Looked back just in time to see the president hit in the head". People think that Chaney is looking back at the president in Altgens 6  and that confirms his testimony. But Chaney was talking about the headshot at 313.
 Chaney talking about 313 enforces the removal theory because he is not next to the limo in 313 so he can't "look back"towards Kennedy. But imo, when he said 'look back' he meant 'look back from where he had been looking' instead of 'looked backwards'.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #226 on: October 16, 2018, 04:49:25 AM »
The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot, but the Nix and Z films show he did not ride forward. Yet 3 of the 4 people in Curry's car said he did ride up to them and that he told them the president has been hit.
  If the limo stop was removed from the Z film it would leave no time and space for Chaney to ride forward AHEAD of the limo and speak to Curry. So Chaney's ride forward would have to be removed too.
 That theory does not effect Chaney's position in 255. I think separate issues may have been conflated. There is another conflated theory around Chaney's testimony that he "Looked back just in time to see the president hit in the head". People think that Chaney is looking back at the president in Altgens 6  and that confirms his testimony. But Chaney was talking about the headshot at 313.
 Chaney talking about 313 enforces the removal theory because he is not next to the limo in 313 so he can't "look back"towards Kennedy. But imo, when he said 'look back' he meant 'look back from where he had been looking' instead of 'looked backwards'.

          The questions surrounding the movements of Officer Chaney could have easily been cleared up by the Old Guard JFK Assassination Researchers back when the Main Players were still around and talking. It is obvious by the line of Q/A employed by WC Lawyers that they had No desire to get into these issues. The Old Guard should been all over these Issues/Unanswered Questions, but as usual they remained asleep at the switch. "The JFK Horsemen" over on You Tube is an Excellent 2 Part Presentation dealing with DPD Officer Chaney, the other DPD Motorcycle Cops that were positioned around the JFK Limo, a possible Limo STOP, and other related issues immediately following the Kill Shot. I highly recommend viewing "The JFK Horsemen" on You Tube.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #226 on: October 16, 2018, 04:49:25 AM »

Offline Robin Unger

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #227 on: October 16, 2018, 06:07:05 AM »
The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot, but the Nix and Z films show he did not ride forward. Yet 3 of the 4 people in Curry's car said he did ride up to them and that he told them the president has been hit.
  If the limo stop was removed from the Z film it would leave no time and space for Chaney to ride forward AHEAD of the limo and speak to Curry. So Chaney's ride forward would have to be removed too.

And that is the problem that that the Alterationists need to explain.

If a such large number of frames were supposedly removed from the Zapruder film the Limo Stop, Chaney's ride forward to the underpass.

To make the two films sync, all of  the corresponding frames in Nix would have to be removed as well  ???

What we see in Nix tells a different story

We see the heashot, immediately after it the Limo slows to a crawl, as the Limo slows to almost a stop, Channey and Jackson hit the brakes and the queen mary passes them.

At this point Chaney is left behind as greer guns the Limo and speeds off towards the underpass, at which point we see a large gap open up between the limo and the rest of the motorcade, who are still situated in the area next to the grassy knoll steps.

In Altgens 7 we see the lead car and we see the limo heading for the underpass ( there is no one else seen in Altgens 7 )

In Nix we see the heashot, immediately after the headshot the Limo slows to a crawl, as the Limo slows to almost a stop, Channey and Jackson hit the brakes and the queen mary passes them.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2018, 06:25:03 AM by Robin Unger »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #228 on: October 16, 2018, 02:45:29 PM »
And that is the problem that that the Alterationists need to explain.

If a such large number of frames were supposedly removed from the Zapruder film the Limo Stop, Chaney's ride forward to the underpass.

To make the two films sync, all of  the corresponding frames in Nix would have to be removed as well  ???

What we see in Nix tells a different story

We see the heashot, immediately after it the Limo slows to a crawl, as the Limo slows to almost a stop, Channey and Jackson hit the brakes and the queen mary passes them.

At this point Chaney is left behind as greer guns the Limo and speeds off towards the underpass, at which point we see a large gap open up between the limo and the rest of the motorcade, who are still situated in the area next to the grassy knoll steps.

In Altgens 7 we see the lead car and we see the limo heading for the underpass ( there is no one else seen in Altgens 7 )

In Nix we see the heashot, immediately after the headshot the Limo slows to a crawl, as the Limo slows to almost a stop, Channey and Jackson hit the brakes and the queen mary passes them.

  To add support to Robin's post, the Charles Bronson still shows Chaney in the position behind the limousine, just as the Zapruder film shows.  The Bronson still corresponds circa Zapruder film frame 230. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #228 on: October 16, 2018, 02:45:29 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #229 on: October 16, 2018, 09:03:34 PM »
Where did Chaney ever say anything about "darting forward" during the shooting?

   (1) WHERE do you believe that Chaney spoke with Curry? (2) Were Chaney & Curry STOPPED during their conversation?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #230 on: October 16, 2018, 10:04:58 PM »
The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot, but the Nix and Z films show he did not ride forward. Yet 3 of the 4 people in Curry's car said he did ride up to them and that he told them the president has been hit.
  If the limo stop was removed from the Z film it would leave no time and space for Chaney to ride forward AHEAD of the limo and speak to Curry. So Chaney's ride forward would have to be removed too.
 That theory does not effect Chaney's position in 255. I think separate issues may have been conflated. There is another conflated theory around Chaney's testimony that he "Looked back just in time to see the president hit in the head". People think that Chaney is looking back at the president in Altgens 6  and that confirms his testimony. But Chaney was talking about the headshot at 313.
 Chaney talking about 313 enforces the removal theory because he is not next to the limo in 313 so he can't "look back"towards Kennedy. But imo, when he said 'look back' he meant 'look back from where he had been looking' instead of 'looked backwards'.

The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot,

Who believes that Chaney was removed (from the Z film?)

I believe it was a mistake that the film creators made.....They didn't deliberately remove Chaney from the film they were creating...They simply forgot that Chaney was alongside the Lincoln whe JFK was reacting to being hit.....And probably forgot that Altgens had recorded that scene in his 6th exposure.

Consequently they are now compelled to try to cover up that mistake......

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #231 on: October 16, 2018, 10:11:21 PM »
   (1) WHERE do you believe that Chaney spoke with Curry? (2) Were Chaney & Curry STOPPED during their conversation?

You didn't answer the question, so why are you asking me a question?  A question in response to my questions is not an answer.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #231 on: October 16, 2018, 10:11:21 PM »