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Author Topic: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242  (Read 120218 times)

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #328 on: October 21, 2018, 11:07:41 PM »
For the benefit of the newbies...
Josiah Thompson had dug some article out of the NY Sunday news [which NY news ?] anyway, Steve Barber located that article and here it is...
One thing seems evident...the splatter went to the left of the car and into the policeman.

The majority of the head matter flew forward and all over the car, the Connally's, Kellerman, Greer.  According to Robert Frazier, there was blood, bits of bone, and brain tissue scattered all over the interior, the seats, the windshield, (both sides) sun visors (both sides) both side rails, the hood of the car and trunk lid. All of that matter had more volume to it than the minute particles( mist) that landed on Hargis and Martin, and neither Hargis or Martin said anything about being struck with "force" by the stuff that landed on them.  Martin didn't witness the fatal shot and didn't even know he had matter on his person. 
 Mr. BALL. You had a white helmet on?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes.
Mr. BALL. Did you notice any stains on your helmet?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes, sir; during the process of working traffic there, I noticed that there were blood stains on the windshield on my motor and then I pulled off my helmet and I noticed there were blood stains on the left side of my helmet.
Mr. BALL. To give a more accurate description of the left side, could you tell us about where it started with reference to the forehead?
Mr. MARTIN. It was just to the left - of what would be the center of my forehead - approximately halfway, about a quarter of the helmet had spots of blood on it.
Mr. BALL. And were there any other spots of any other material on the helmet there besides blood?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes, sir; there was other matter that looked like pieces of flesh.
Mr. BALL. What about your uniform?
Mr. MARTIN. There was blood and matter on my left shoulder of my uniform.
Mr. BALL. You pointed to a place in front of your shoulder, about the clavicle region?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Is that about where it was?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes.
Mr. BALL. On the front of your uniform and not on the side?
Mr. MARTIN. No, sir.
Mr. BALL. That would be left, was it?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes; on the left side.
Mr. BALL. And just below the level of the shoulder?
Mr. MARTIN. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. And what spots were there?
Mr. MARTIN. They were blood spots and other matter.
Mr. BALL. And what did you notice on your windshield?
Mr. MARTIN. There was blood and other matter on my windshield and also on the motor.
Mr. BALL. Was the blood noticeable - were there large splotches?
Mr. MARTIN. No; they weren't large splotches, they were small - It was not very noticeable unless you looked at it.
Mr. BALL. Was the discoloration on your helmet noticeable?
Mr. MARTIN. Not too much - no -as a matter of fact, there were other people around there and two more officers there and they never noticed it.
  (emphasis mine).
Mr. BALL. At that time were you with Mr. Hargis?
Mr. MARTIN. No, sir; I don't believe that he went to the hospital with us. I believe he stopped there at the scene of the shooting.
Mr. BALL. And did you ever see his helmet or his uniform or the windshield of his motorcycle?
Mr. MARTIN. No, sir - I never recall seeing him again until the next day.
Mr. BALL. Now, was this blood on the outside or the inside of your windshield?
Mr. MARTIN. It was on the outside of my windshield.
Mr. BALL. Was it on the right or left side?
Mr. MARTIN. It was on the outside of my windshield.
Mr. BALL. And what about the fender of the motorcycle?
Mr. MARTIN. It was just in the front - right on the front just above the cowling on the motorcycle.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #328 on: October 21, 2018, 11:07:41 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #329 on: October 22, 2018, 04:01:53 AM »
    Yeah. Jackie was Also to the Left of JFK. Thanks for proffering even further corroboration supporting that her Face and Upper Torso should have been absolutely splattered .
Mrs Kennedy was saturated with blood of course.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #330 on: October 22, 2018, 05:33:54 AM »
Not one other person who witnessed the assassination said anything about Connally beating his fist or grabbing his arm. Why?  Because it didn't happen, and Mrs. Kennedy's view of the front of Connally's body was not possible. He was facing away from her, and to his right with his back completely blocking her view, and therefore, she couldn't possibly have seen what his arms or hands were doing, Storing.  This is why law enforcement do not rely on eyewitnesses.  Mrs. Newman said Connally grabbed his stomach. Bill Newman said the president "stood up in his seat".  None of that happened, either.  You are so hell bent on trying(and you fail largely at) to prove that the Zapruder film isn't authentic.  You rely on the flimsiest of the flimsy!

 As for Mrs. Kennedy's having said her husband's hand was you honestly believe that she could possibly get every detail correct after what she witnessed within 8 seconds?  Get real!  You've never been traumatized, have you?

      The above shows that YOU are the one claiming Jackie was in a some degree of Shock/Trauma. I have Not made that claim. Get a grip on yourself.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #330 on: October 22, 2018, 05:33:54 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #331 on: October 22, 2018, 05:35:02 AM »
"Slander"?  Get real, Storing. Thompson is a public figure. People are allowed to say "That was Thompson's nonsense".  That isn't slander, it is stating a fact!  He is the one who said that the matter struck Hargis with "such force".  It wasn't Hargis who said it! Get over it!   

 Secondly, you are the ones trashing Mrs. Kennedy, not I!  You refuse to accept the fact that she was holding her husbands shattered head in her hands all the way to the hospital, and saw the head wound closer than ANYONE before it reached Parkland hospital. But, you won't have it that way.  You want everyone to think that because she was in shock, she couldn't positively be accurate when describing where the hole in the head was, even though she was trying to keep his brain inside his head by hold the "top of his head down".  That is nothing but a slap in Mrs. Kennedy's face by you clowns.

     Bump as to erroneous claims.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #332 on: October 22, 2018, 10:28:39 PM »
     The SCALP on the Top of JKF's head was disrupted upon the Impact of the Exploding bullet. We clearly see autopsy Dr's tugging on this same loose SCALP in alleged JFK autopsy photo(s).  Dr Humes has testified as to his Extending these same lacerations during the autopsy procedure.

I don't believe an "exploding" bullet was used....   I doubt that the conspirators were so stupid as to employ something that would have been an obvious piece of equipment of an intelligence agency.   ( unless they thought they could securely tie the patsy to Castro )

I suspect the bullet that shattered against the inside read of JFK's skull was a small caliber mercury filled projectile... ( something hat could be made in any home shop.  )

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #332 on: October 22, 2018, 10:28:39 PM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #333 on: October 22, 2018, 11:13:17 PM »
I watched the Newman's interview that the photos in John Mytons post we're taken from and Newman is pointing to the ENTRANCE wound according to Newman.
I just watched an interview with Dr McClelland and he also pointed to the front area of the head as the ENTRANCE wound then said it travelled to the rear and exited throughout the BACK.
I just watched Paul O'connors interview and he points to the top of the head when describing the cut they make to remove a brain, not where the exit wound was. He has stated before that there was as large wound in the back of the head.
 Dr Carrico placed the wound in the back in other photos contradicting the interview you took his image from.
  Many people point to the front of the head as where they saw blood pouring out which could be an entrance wound or a second round that hit JFK almost simultaneously.
  I think the person in the upper right corner is Gerald Custer who also says there was a massive hole in the back of the head.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 11:27:17 PM by Chris Bristow »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #334 on: October 22, 2018, 11:25:00 PM »
That is a lie, Storing.  Hargis never, ever said anything about being struck with "force" by the "blood, brain and kind of bloody water".  Tink Thompson is responsible for that nonsense.  According to Hargis himself, when testifying at the Garrison trial, and during his testimony, he said he rode into the matter and again, never said anything about being struck with "force"!  You people rely on the stuff created out of thin air by fellow conspiracists!
  Bobby Hargis (motorcycle policeman on the left rear fender of the Presiden- tial limousine), November 23, 1963: ?As the President straightened back up, Mrs. Kennedy turned toward him, and that was when he got hit in the side of the head, spinning it around. I was splattered with blood. Then I felt something hit me. It could have been concrete or something, but I thought at first I might have been hit.? [Daily News report].
 Hargis never used the phrase "Hit with force" but he did say it felt like  concrete and considered that he may have been "hit". Obviously he was hit with enough force to consider the possibility that he had been shot.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 11:28:35 PM by Chris Bristow »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #335 on: October 23, 2018, 01:21:27 AM »
I watched the Newman's interview that the photos in John Mytons post we're taken from and Newman is pointing to the ENTRANCE wound according to Newman.
I just watched an interview with Dr McClelland and he also pointed to the front area of the head as the ENTRANCE wound then said it travelled to the rear and exited throughout the BACK.
I just watched Paul O'connors interview and he points to the top of the head when describing the cut they make to remove a brain, not where the exit wound was. He has stated before that there was as large wound in the back of the head.
 Dr Carrico placed the wound in the back in other photos contradicting the interview you took his image from.
  Many people point to the front of the head as where they saw blood pouring out which could be an entrance wound or a second round that hit JFK almost simultaneously.
  I think the person in the upper right corner is Gerald Custer who also says there was a massive hole in the back of the head.

The following high contrast image at Z313 shows a substantial amount of matter going forwards, if Kennedy was hit again to create a rear hole how much of his head would be left, and besides the bullet entrance wound did anybody say that Kennedy had two largish holes in his head.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #335 on: October 23, 2018, 01:21:27 AM »