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Author Topic: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242  (Read 120176 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #336 on: October 23, 2018, 01:43:53 AM »
  Bobby Hargis (motorcycle policeman on the left rear fender of the Presiden- tial limousine), November 23, 1963: ?As the President straightened back up, Mrs. Kennedy turned toward him, and that was when he got hit in the side of the head, spinning it around. I was splattered with blood. Then I felt something hit me. It could have been concrete or something, but I thought at first I might have been hit.? [Daily News report].
 Hargis never used the phrase "Hit with force" but he did say it felt like  concrete and considered that he may have been "hit". Obviously he was hit with enough force to consider the possibility that he had been shot.

Thanks for taking the time to find that, Chris......  I knew that Hargis had said that he was stuck on his helmet by "something"  solid.... 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #336 on: October 23, 2018, 01:43:53 AM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #337 on: October 23, 2018, 04:35:47 AM »
  Bobby Hargis (motorcycle policeman on the left rear fender of the Presiden- tial limousine), November 23, 1963: ?As the President straightened back up, Mrs. Kennedy turned toward him, and that was when he got hit in the side of the head, spinning it around. I was splattered with blood. Then I felt something hit me. It could have been concrete or something, but I thought at first I might have been hit.? [Daily News report].
 Hargis never used the phrase "Hit with force" but he did say it felt like  concrete and considered that he may have been "hit". Obviously he was hit with enough force to consider the possibility that he had been shot.

    The Old Guard Researchers Know what Hargis said. They consistently throw BS out there to confuse people regarding whatever the issue of discussion might be. They are scared to death the truth will come out and they will be revealed as being nothing more than rubber stamps/echo chambers for 54+ years. It's a 24/7 job setting the record straight. 

Online John Mytton

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #338 on: October 23, 2018, 07:34:11 AM »
    The Old Guard Researchers Know what Hargis said.

Hargis says he parks his motorcycle and simply runs across the road, but if he was forcefully struck wouldn't you at least take a minute to establish if anything was broken or if he had internal damage, or check for bleeding and then later have any injuries photographed but Hargis doesn't seem to be so bothered about testifying about being struck by bullet fragments or skull or whatever?

Mr. STERN - All right, what did you do then? You say you parked your motorcycle?
Mr. HARGIS - Yes, uh-huh----
Mr. STERN - Where?
Mr. HARGIS - It was to the left-hand side of the street from---south side of Elm Street.
Mr. STERN - And then what did you---
Mr. HARGIS - I ran across the street looking over towards the railroad overpass and I remembered seeing people scattering and running and then I looked.

The headshot was captured by 3 amateur filmmakers, in the following capture from Muchmore we can see where Hargis is.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #338 on: October 23, 2018, 07:34:11 AM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #339 on: October 23, 2018, 01:04:00 PM »
I watched the Newman's interview that the photos in John Mytons post we're taken from and Newman is pointing to the ENTRANCE wound according to Newman.
I just watched an interview with Dr McClelland and he also pointed to the front area of the head as the ENTRANCE wound then said it travelled to the rear and exited throughout the BACK.
I just watched Paul O'connors interview and he points to the top of the head when describing the cut they make to remove a brain, not where the exit wound was. He has stated before that there was as large wound in the back of the head.
 Dr Carrico placed the wound in the back in other photos contradicting the interview you took his image from.
  Many people point to the front of the head as where they saw blood pouring out which could be an entrance wound or a second round that hit JFK almost simultaneously.
  I think the person in the upper right corner is Gerald Custer who also says there was a massive hole in the back of the head.

Dr Carrico placed the wound in the back in other photos contradicting the interview you took his image from.

This is typical .... I was present in the audience when Clint Hill was a guest speaker...He described the wounds he saw when he jumped aboard the Lincoln.  I saw him point to his right temple and state that he saw a bullet hole in JFK's temple just for of his ear right at the hair line ....... And a large hole at the right rear of his head.  Which he used his right hand with the fingers splayed to demonstrated what he saw.    I've seen LNer's post that same image and claim that Hill is describing the entrance wound.   LIARS!

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #340 on: October 23, 2018, 04:04:35 PM »
  Bobby Hargis (motorcycle policeman on the left rear fender of the Presiden- tial limousine), November 23, 1963: ?As the President straightened back up, Mrs. Kennedy turned toward him, and that was when he got hit in the side of the head, spinning it around. I was splattered with blood. Then I felt something hit me. It could have been concrete or something, but I thought at first I might have been hit.? [Daily News report].
 Hargis never used the phrase "Hit with force" but he did say it felt like  concrete and considered that he may have been "hit". Obviously he was hit with enough force to consider the possibility that he had been shot.

Did Hargis say anything--ever at any time--about seeing the back of the president's head being blown off. No.  He described in one interview that he saw a spray come out of the right side of his head when the fatal bullet was fired.  He was in the perfect position to have seen the back of the head blown off if that would have been what happened, but he never said anything even hinting that that was where the matter came from.  Same thing with Jim Chaney.  When he saw the explosion on Kennedy's head, he thought the president had been hit in the face.  Did he say anything about the back of the head being shot off?  No.  Chaney was also in the perfect position to have seen the back of the head blown off if it had been blown off, but he never even so much as hinted that he saw such a thing. 

 On top of all this, you guys completely ignore the fact that the largest amount of head matter went forward as far as several yards AHEAD of where the limousine was located at the time of the fatal shot. 

 David Burris and Billy Harper found skull fragments in the grass AHEAD of where the limousine was located.  It is part of these fragments seen flying through the air in the Zapruder and Nix film.  The matter from the head landed "all over the interior of the car", the Connally's, Greer, Kellerman, and of course, Mrs. Kennedy. It was on the windshield, the sun visors(both sides), the side rails of the car(both), etc.   The clearest prints of the FBI black and white photos showing the interior of the back seat compartment inside panel of the car that JFK was seated next to, shows splatter all over it.   You can read the graphic detail of where the majority of the matter landed by reading Robert Frazier's testimony to the Warren Commission.  The head matter that landed on Hargis and Martin can clearly be seen in the Zapruder film is a fine mist that blows rearward.  Why do you ignore that?   Face it and accept it.  Hargis never, ever said anything hit him with "force". Period.  Also, Hargis said that fellow Dallas police officer "Buddy" Brewer flicked a piece of skull off Hargis' upper lip.  He still didn't say that it struck him with any force, nor has he eversaid any such thing in all of the many interviews over, or during his Warren commission testimony, said anything about being struck with "force" by the head matter.  You people love to exaggerate and twist things people said.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #340 on: October 23, 2018, 04:04:35 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #341 on: October 23, 2018, 05:38:39 PM »
Hargis says he parks his motorcycle and simply runs across the road, but if he was forcefully struck wouldn't you at least take a minute to establish if anything was broken or if he had internal damage, or check for bleeding and then later have any injuries photographed but Hargis doesn't seem to be so bothered about testifying about being struck by bullet fragments or skull or whatever?

Mr. STERN - All right, what did you do then? You say you parked your motorcycle?
Mr. HARGIS - Yes, uh-huh----
Mr. STERN - Where?
Mr. HARGIS - It was to the left-hand side of the street from---south side of Elm Street.
Mr. STERN - And then what did you---
Mr. HARGIS - I ran across the street looking over towards the railroad overpass and I remembered seeing people scattering and running and then I looked.

The headshot was captured by 3 amateur filmmakers, in the following capture from Muchmore we can see where Hargis is.


    So are You NOW claiming that we are Not seeing Hargis alongside his motorcycle on the South side of Elm St on the Wiegman Film? Maybe Hargis was checking himself out during THIS time period which YOU have neglected to mention/consider. YOU, along with the Old Guard continue to have Serious Issues with the Bogus Timelines that they have assigned & YOU have echoed regarding Assassination Eyewitnesses/Films.  Setting the record Straight/True continues to be a 24/7 task.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 05:40:24 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #342 on: October 23, 2018, 06:32:39 PM »
    The Old Guard Researchers Know what Hargis said. They consistently throw BS out there to confuse people regarding whatever the issue of discussion might be. They are scared to death the truth will come out and they will be revealed as being nothing more than rubber stamps/echo chambers for 54+ years. It's a 24/7 job setting the record straight.

The Old Guard CT Researchers Know what Hargis said. The LNers consistently throw BS out there to confuse people regarding whatever the issue of discussion might be. They are scared to death the truth will come out and they will be revealed as being nothing more than rubber stamps/echo chambers for 54+ years. It's a 24/7 job setting the record straight.

It's a 24/7 job setting the record straight.  and I'm beginning to think it's a hopeless endeavor.  The CT contingent is united only in their conviction that JFK was murdered as the result of a conspiracy, Just as the HSCA  discovered.   Many of the CT's realize that Lee Oswald was nothing more than a Patsy who was framed by the very powerful men who wanted John Kennedy out of the way, so that they could pursue their greedy, insane ambitions.  I personally believe Lee Oswald was totally innocent of having any cognizant and aware role in the plot.   He was playing the same stupid game he played when he fired a bullet through General Walker's window....   A game that was intended to make him appear to have shot at JFK and missed.     
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:40:08 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Online John Mytton

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #343 on: October 23, 2018, 07:34:32 PM »
It's no coincidence that the loudest critics questioning the authenticity of the Zapruder film, lack even the most basic technical knowledge to indicate their ideas visually heck most of them can't even post an image? What a joke!


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #343 on: October 23, 2018, 07:34:32 PM »