Hargis is riding on the Left Rear of the Limo. JFK's head explodes and he is thrown Back & to his Left, (toward the general direction of Hargis). JFK suffers a large Blow-OUT wound in the Back of his head. Hargis is hit with the Blood, Matter, and a skull fragment(s) from the Blow-OUT wound. The motorcycle officer riding alongside Hargis also was splattered with blood and brain matter. There obviously was a Lot of Blood, Matter, and general debris flying to the left rear of the Limo. ASAIC Kellerman riding in the front seat labeled what he endured as "saw dust". This mass amount of Blood, Matter, & "Sawdust" yet somehow it completely disappears within Only 2-3 frames of the CURRENT Z Film. Just another example of what we are seeing on the Current Z Film defying logic, hard evidence, & eyewitness testimony.
This mass amount of Blood, Matter, & "Sawdust" yet somehow it completely disappears within Only 2-3 frames of the CURRENT Z Film.
Since no CTs are willing to volunteer, here we see poor Bambi being struck in the head and we see the same pattern of disappearing mist.

Just another example of what we are seeing on the Current Z Film defying logic, hard evidence, & eyewitness testimony.
Well what do you expect when you apply unsupportable Kook logic, no science and misinterpret eyewitness testimony?