Sorry, I'll change it.
Don't worry Pussyhat Brigade, you'll get your chance again.
Steve, the CIA was created to provide the POTUS with raw intelligence, intelligence analysis, and
the option of deniable intervention in reaction to threats to nat. sec. and other irritants gleaned from the
intelligence served up to the POTUS by CIA and other sources. This thread is built around the psych assessment
of Castro provided by CIA to JFK, dated ten months before the Cuban (Soviet) missle crisis.
I presume the following CIA assessment, in a report dated in December, 1961,
was core support for the conclusion
Castro was psychologically unsuitable/disqualified from "serving" as the Cuban head of state.:
[?] unstable a personality as to be quite vulnerable to certain kinds of psychological pressure. The outstanding neurotic elements in his personality are his hunger for power and his need for the recognition and adulation of the masses. He is unable to obtain complete emotional gratification from any other source.? Whenever his self-concept is slightly disrupted by criticism, he becomes so emotionally unstable as to lose to some degree his contact with reality.? [His] egoism is his Achilles heel. The extreme narcissistic qualities of his personality are so evident as to suggest predictable patterns of action during both victory and defeat.
The only thing that has changed is that personality traits once obvious to the Kennedys as grave threats to US national
security have later been venerated by enough presidential election voters to matter.
We are embroiled in a current crisis putting the actual future of the U.S. in doubt. Has the continued focus on the
Assassination of JFK been overtaken by current events to the degree it is merely a psychological that
we venerate, elevate, and attempt to defend strikingly similar "evil" the Kennedy brothers recognized for what it
actually was, and attempted to destroy?
I am all about, (or try to be) about discernment. This is why I hone in on and criticize one of the most prolific posters
on this forum, Rob Caprio. It is also why I cannot take Christian evangelicals seriously.... how could a loving God leave
them with little or no discernment. Raised RC, I have a soft spot for Catholicism and admiration and enthusiasm for
Pope Francis, remaining mindful the Church has not exactly been a safe bet for discerning females, young boys, and the
poor, the world over.
I try not to take myself too seriously and I don't regard you as all that thin skinned, either. That said, I wonder why
you and I do not agree more often than we do. The story of Whitey Bulger is enough of a cluster f*** to influence
us not to take any of it all that seriously, especially the political theater that passes for American history.
More and more, I do not discern more integrity from CTs than I do from Republicans. ... at least from the most
prominent ones of both those tribes.
Tom S. April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm
.....More than 30 years after she first met Jim Garrison and in addition to much other research and interviewing 1200 people, this was the crux and the emphasis of Joan Mellen?s presentation on the best supported CIA influences/interference on Garrison?s investigation and his prosecution of Clay Shaw.
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK?s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I ? I think ?
JOAN: ? when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people?.
"LOCK HER UP" when the subject is a former female, two term US Senator who literally licked the nuts of
her conservative male US Senate colleagues!
McConnell says FBI report 'very reassuring,' slams Democratic 'smear ...
Washington Examiner-52 minutes ago
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday the FBI submitted ... Democrats of an ?outrageous smear? against a qualified candidate.
Brownback Writes of 'Hatred' of Clintons - Washington Post
Jun 29, 2007 - ... says he harbored a "hatred" of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton until he ... to Hillary Clinton a few years later during a Senate prayer breakfast.