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Author Topic: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?  (Read 11174 times)

Offline Robert Reeves

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Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« on: October 06, 2018, 10:47:40 PM »
I've tried to contact several people involved with the editing processes for the Oliver Stone film JFK re the Zapruder film footage used ... and got nowhere. My question to them is: did they alter the original Zapruder film during the 'enhancement' process. Was anything added. In various interviews Oliver Stone and editor's  Hank Corwin, Joe Hutshing, Pietro Scalia, have all discussed stabilizing + enhancing the Zapruder film quality. Just enhancement.

Joe Hutshing an was Editor for the JFK film -- he worked with the Zapruder film sequences used - in interviews he stated "We got everything, I think we were the first people to have the whole thing (Zapruder film), we had it steadied, had every frame: I think the FBI had cut it up - or the police department had cut it up to analyze it. Anyway we restored it, we had the entire thing"

I believe Martin Hinrichs & Robin Unger extracted the Zapruder movie sequence used in the film JFK that is most interesting, to me. 

So the Zapruder film sequence ... about frames 222 -- 245

These gifs are pretty big size so let them run. I wanted to preserve as much content rather than compress the crap out of them.

I noticed when viewing this sequence of the Zapruder film (approximately frames 232 onwards) that a white moving object/projectile appears to strike JFK in the jawline area!

Slowed down

One of the clearest frames showing a glowing projectile - below. And if so: part of the Zapruder film? or added by Stone's editing team?

The frames below clearly show a white projectile moving back n forth ... running over JFK's wrist area, or even striking JFK's coat sleeve. below

The coat that JFK wore during the assassination has an unexplained mark on the right sleeve. below

There are clear cuts made to the coat in the chest area by the staff at Parkland Hospital. Also, in the area of the right sleeve where the projectile in the Zapruder film appears to pass across and then strike JFK in the jaw there's also a mark. A slashing horizontal line.

When the right sleeve is aligned with JFK's arm in the Zapruder film position the coat mark aligns in the area close to where the white projectile is moving. In JFK's right wrist area from right to left.

But could the mark on the coat sleeve be brain matter? or blood?

The known cuts in the JFK coat were made at Parkland hospital by the doctors that treated JFK. These cuts are clearly visible. But so is the mark on the right sleeve. It is the only other mark that appears clearly when subjected to line detection filter.

Were there any marks on JFK chin area?

The Zapruder movie frames used by Oliver Stone do not show the entire head snap of JFK from frames 232 onwards. I combined the JFK movie frames with an equally clear z-film frames version to complete the sequence, showing the complete head turn, below

A projectile striking JFK's chin area with velocity forcing JFK's head to turn from right to left?

I've tried to get confirmation as to the legitimacy of this 'white' 'glowing projectile'. It's not happening. I personally do not believe it wasn't spotted during the editing process of the making of Oliver Stone's film JFK. Joe Hutshing admits in interviews to watching the Zapruder film footage over and over. Hours and hours of meticulous editing. How could it have been missed?

The unexplained mark on the right sleeve of JFK's coat leads me to believe this is evidence of a shot/projectile striking JFK's right wrist area, and proceeding to hit JFK in the jawline, possibly a real shot from the front. I've been in contact with the last people to view the coat of JFK  -- in their opinion the mark on the right sleeve is brain matter. I differ. The mark of JFK's right coat sleeve needs explaining. If indeed, it's a cut to the fabric.

I'd be interested to know what others think. I don't know if this is some stupid 'easter egg' planted by Stone's editing team, filling some gap they believe was supposed to be there, or genuine unedited Zapruder footage. Editor, Joe Hutshing claims ''we had the entire thing''.

JFK Assassination Forum

Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« on: October 06, 2018, 10:47:40 PM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 07:38:34 AM »
The white spot remains in exactly the same place within the frame while the background changes by approx one foot per frame for several frames in a row.
 It remains in front of JFK for several frames which is too long for it to be a projectile moving towards him. Although it would stay right in front of JFK if it came from Zapruders position but not for multiple frames because the limo was moving one foot per frame. If it was fired from near Zapruder it would only be traveling around 25 mph to be visible for 4 frames.
 There is also another white dot of similar size an brightness that appears above Jackies hand towards the end of the clip. I think this dot has to be an artifact of enhancement.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2018, 11:07:19 AM »
The white spot remains in exactly the same place within the frame while the background changes by approx one foot per frame for several frames in a row.
 It remains in front of JFK for several frames which is too long for it to be a projectile moving towards him. Although it would stay right in front of JFK if it came from Zapruders position but not for multiple frames because the limo was moving one foot per frame. If it was fired from near Zapruder it would only be traveling around 25 mph to be visible for 4 frames.
 There is also another white dot of similar size an brightness that appears above Jackies hand towards the end of the clip. I think this dot has to be an artifact of enhancement.

Stone spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and his team did much work hiring George Lucas' editing suit to remove artifacts, to clean the Zapruder film up. You think someone just missed them? -- which doesn't seem real. I've listened to Joe Hutshing talk about the editing process for the film footage used making the film. As you'd expect, they were obsessive about the details. They spent hours and hours watching every frame over and over. Weeks and weeks of editing footage to clear up anomalies. It's just not feasible a professional would not spot these artifacts, as you put it.

Here's the first frame where the projectile is seen to be most brightest, plus almost the last frame it appears before disappearing into JFK's chin area. There's some 2 frames in between these.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2018, 11:07:19 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2018, 11:12:12 PM »
You are right and i made two mistakes. It is only two frames and the dot does move within the frame. What i still find impossible is how to figure a logical speed and direction it could be coming from.
 It moves about one foot across the background in one frame, left to right so the shooter has to be on the left side. If the shooter was perpendicular to Zapruder's position  the projectile would be moving at only one foot per frame . If the shooter was near Zapruder we would only see the projectile right in front of JFK in the last 3 or 4 feet of it's travel so it could be going 3 or 4 times faster.  If they fired from directly behind Zapruder it could travel 100 feet between frames but it would not travel across the frame as it does, so it has to be left of Zapruder and we would only see it in front of JFK from Z' position during the last few feet of it's path. 4 feet in one frame is about 60 mph. I think something that slow would be visible as it approached but I don't see it.
 Where do you think the projectile is coming from and what speed do you think it has to be going to behave as it does?
  Other dots appear like the one above Jackies right hand at the end of the clip at frame 240. Is it another projectile fired only 6 frames after the first one? If so you need two shooters.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 05:54:54 AM »
You are right and i made two mistakes. It is only two frames and the dot does move within the frame. What i still find impossible is how to figure a logical speed and direction it could be coming from.
 It moves about one foot across the background in one frame, left to right so the shooter has to be on the left side. If the shooter was perpendicular to Zapruder's position  the projectile would be moving at only one foot per frame . If the shooter was near Zapruder we would only see the projectile right in front of JFK in the last 3 or 4 feet of it's travel so it could be going 3 or 4 times faster.  If they fired from directly behind Zapruder it could travel 100 feet between frames but it would not travel across the frame as it does, so it has to be left of Zapruder and we would only see it in front of JFK from Z' position during the last few feet of it's path. 4 feet in one frame is about 60 mph. I think something that slow would be visible as it approached but I don't see it.
 Where do you think the projectile is coming from and what speed do you think it has to be going to behave as it does?
  Other dots appear like the one above Jackies right hand at the end of the clip at frame 240. Is it another projectile fired only 6 frames after the first one? If so you need two shooters.

The clue to where this 'projectile' is fired from is in the bottom left 1/4 of the frame. The umbrella. If you follow the white dot, it appears to firstly strike JFK's wrist area. It was only through seeing this Gif of the Zapruder frames that I then noticed the dot hits JFK's wrist area. I went and looked at the archives images -- so imagine my amazement that there is a slashing mark on the wrist area of the coat. Have you ever seen this mark on JFK's wrist area discussed? people spend hours debating all the marks on his coat and shirt but yet never has anyone mentioned the slashing mark on his right wrist.

So how does a version of the Zapruder film turn up in Oliver Stone's JFK movie depicting JFK being shot 1) on the wrist 2) in the throat, by Umbrella Man. And the wrist area of JFK's coat does indeed have a slashing mark there. And JFK's autopsy photo appears to show JFK has a red mark in his neck. Plus the Zapruder frames show JFK with a red dot in the same place.

It's either fact or fiction.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2018, 05:54:54 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2018, 07:50:33 AM »
Well coming from Umbrella Man's location sort of works. If it travelled across as JFK moved forward it may stay in the basic same place on JFK's face from Z's location for 2 frames as it does. But it would have to going slow like 20 mph.
 I don't think I can weigh in on this other stuff with any authority, but personally the mark on the coat sleeve looks like a blood stain not a tear. The mark on his neck looks like a shadow to me.
 I have noticed that many white spots are appearing an disappearing all through the clip. Four appear around Jackie's head and one on Connally's neck. They may all just be artifacts of enhancement and if the general public is not going to catch it why spend the time and money to remove them. That last bit is just my opinion.

Offline Robert Reeves

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2018, 01:53:58 PM »

The coat sleeve does have blood there. You can see it. But the underneath of the coat is white. Which is coloured by the blood. As you can see in other areas that are also stained.

You can see the underneath, the white lining. Blood stains are clearly visible on the cuff of the right sleeve. I've actually emailed the last person to examine the coat. Dr Peter Cumming's was part of a PBS show examining the clothing.

Dr. Peter Cummings told me that the jacket had blood and brain matter still on the coat. He did not remember if, where I asked - specifically -- on the right sleeve -- that if there was a tear in the coat. He said it was most likely blood or brain matter. Of course, he would not know to look there. As this possible tear in the coat sleeve hasn't been discussed before.

If you align the coat sleeve horizontally with the right sleeve of JFK's in the Zapruder film, the slashing mark across the sleeve is synched. From right to left. But of course, we need someone to examine the coat sleeve, to see if there is indeed a tear in it. I believe that chance can only come with permission of the Kennedy family.

The completed frames speak for themselves. The turn of JFK's head from right to left towards Jackie is synched with the white dot striking JFK's chin area.

Can anyone really deny that we are witnessing cause/effect? motion as a result of that projectile striking JFK's chin area.

And creepily it appears that JFK's forefinger is even pointing towards the Umbrella Man.

Watch the umbrella. The two orange areas. Horizontal flashes inside the umbrella?

Now look at this Willis 5 photo that I found on Jack White's photo collection. The two same horizontal placements: with what appears to be openings.

The two flashes above are seen in the umbrella just before the white dot is visible near JFK's sleeve.

If you'd like to discuss that other white dot/object entering the frame, message me. It's going to derail this post otherwise.

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2018, 10:42:35 PM »
Your dots at the umbrella are reflections in the side panel of the limo. Those 2 dots stay on the side of the limo as the car moves forward. Then you can see it is Chaneys bike that is the source of those reflected dots.They never go past that position on the limo, they do not travel to JFK. If they were projectiles they were moving at about the same speed as the limo!! Impossible.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Clearest proof JFK was shot from the front?
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2018, 10:42:35 PM »