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Author Topic: Free Amazon Books The Conspiracy Theory Report Vol One Tachyonic Antitelephone  (Read 3560 times)

Offline Barry McGaw

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I invite you all to check out the new JFK Assassination Theory - based on FTL (faster than light time travel) - which according to anonymous information received by me was first uncovered by JASON in 1959 then developed by the CIA to send messages back in time, something JFK was made aware of when he became POTUS in 1960, then considered and determined the discovery should be released for all - which the CIA opposed, leading to his assassination (using the device - which allowed them to send messages back in time about 3 hours in 1963 - thus allowing them to plan, execute and erase their "footprints" - see also CERN 2011 (where the technology was demonstrated to work) and the Cambridge News report, received before JFK was assassinated. The book is available on Amazon - search under "Conspiracy Theory Report" - let me know what you think :) - note the book is available for free on Kindle Unlimited and will be offered for free to all next week - happy reading!

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Offline Joe Elliott

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With this technology which allowed them to send messages back in time by three hours I?m surprised they didn?t use this technology to make a killing on Wall Street instead of Elm Street.
Where did they go to get these messages from the future? The Western Union office?
Is that what Jack Ruby was doing? Is that how he knew precisely when to leave the office, to get to the ramp at just when the guard was distracted and to meet Oswald coming out with such good timing? This would require this sort of technology to get a fluky coincident like this. Or thousands of men who fantasize about killing the President?s assassin, in which case fluky timing could happen without a real big coincidence.
I think it?s more likely Bigfoot shot JFK from the grassy knoll.

Offline Barry McGaw

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Hey Joe - according to the manuscript they did both - as I explain in the Book I received this info via anonymous email - from a relative of an employee in the program - I can't vouch for its authenticity - but it certainly does raise some questions - I invite you to download the book tomorrow for free (ie this is not a money making exercise - it is an exercise in getting the story out for comment) - let me know what you think once you have read it all :)

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Barry McGaw

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The book is actually FREE NOW - until the end of today - plz give it a look and let me know what you think :)

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