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Author Topic: How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?  (Read 96254 times)

Offline John Mytton

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The "therefore the entire work is contaminated" when read with the surrounding context is obviously from me

Thanks for admitting that you presented a pathetic conclusion of your own as an alleged quote to Rob Caprio!

That's all I wanted to hear from you. I'm glad you've finally admitted to your dishonesty.   Thumb1:

Since I never used quotation marks and I never once said that I quoted Caprio verbatim then clearly my initial post was simply seeking clarification for Caprio's views and this innocent request was further reinforced by my asking a question so as to give Caprio a fair a chance at a response.

That's all I wanted to hear from you.

We'll see?

I'm glad you've finally admitted to your dishonesty.

The fact that you have trouble with the English language isn't my problem.


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Offline Rob Caprio

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Well, he seems to be running from this one, in much the same way as he ran from the discussion about CE399 ever being at Parkland Hospital.

No credibility whatsoever!

I agree.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Your quote says that the FBI altered evidence and if you truly believe that you have provided proof that they actually altered evidence then how could you possibly trust anything that was presented by the FBI therefore the entire case is contaminated and if this is not what you are trying to say then what possible incentive do you have for bringing up these tiny isolated anomalies in the first place??

Anyway look at it this way, if I find a single Person in my swimming pool then the entire pool is contaminated and needs to be emptied and disinfected but it appears that you would rather swim with your Person, fair enough!


I think your hole is really deep. I didn't say what you attributed to me. Just admit that you once again made up something and attributed to someone else.

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Offline Rob Caprio

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No worries Rob, how about you stick to your bizarre theories like Ruby firing blanks and Oswald's pubic hairs and let the big boys discuss what actually happened.


Ruby firing blanks wasn't MY theory. You can't tell the truth about anything. You aren't a big boy in anything regarding the JFK assassination. Your lack of knowledge of the evidence is overwhelming.

Offline Rob Caprio

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The urbandictionary? You clearly have nothing left Weidmann, I never used "quotes" and when you're not heavily editing my post the context of the question I asked Caprio who by definition must know what he himself has posted, is a question that needs to be answered and btw the fact that Caprio needs you as an attack dog to help him extract himself from his self inflicted mess is beyond desperate.


Hilarious. You attributed something to me that I never said, but somehow I need help "extracting myself" from some mess that I never created.

You were dishonest. Just admit it.

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Offline Rob Caprio

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Thanks for admitting it, you took my comment, stripped it of any context and deceitfully tried to create your own narrative from this heavily abridged version. Naughty naughty.


Says the guy who made up a statement and attributed it me and then further lied by saying that I needed to extract myself from the mess his false statement attributed to me created. Talk about layers of deception.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Typical Weidmann, claim the evidence is a mere "diversion".

I never left this issue.

Huh? Is this juvenile threat supposed scare me? LOL! I was the one who told you to "try again", so why would I expect you to rest? I'm actually enjoying exposing your lack of grammatical skills and watching you jump through my hoops is really neat.

Just how thick are you? The "therefore the entire work is contaminated" when read with the surrounding context is obviously from me and since then we have established that I was right about Rob admitting that he believes that the FBI altered evidence which means that by definition anything handled by the FBI cannot be trusted and "therefore the entire work is contaminated"

Btw I look forward to your next post. keep it up!


You're lying to lay your comment at my feet.

Offline Rob Caprio

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The "therefore the entire work is contaminated" when read with the surrounding context is obviously from me

Thanks for admitting that you presented a pathetic conclusion of your own as an alleged quote to Rob Caprio!

That's all I wanted to hear from you. I'm glad you've finally admitted to your dishonesty.   Thumb1:


JFK Assassination Forum