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Author Topic: How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?  (Read 96290 times)

Offline Rob Caprio

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On page 157 of the WC Report we see the following.

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The bus ride.?According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately three minutes after the assassination. He PROBABLY walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy where he boarded a bus which was HEADING BACK IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DEPOSITORY BUILDING, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. (Emphasis mine)

J. E. Hoover?s report of whereabouts?known as Commission Exhibit (CE) 1119A.

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A couple of things jump out after reading this paragraph. Firstly, they said PROBABLY in terms of what he did as they could NOT show he did do this. Secondly, the bus he allegedly boarded (there is NO evidence showing he ever did board this bus) was HEADED BACK to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), so why NOT just wait there and then board the bus when it came in front of the building? Who takes a bus heading back to the crime scene IF YOU ARE THE KILLER as claimed anyway? Can any WC defender answer this question for me?

As IF this was NOT bad enough it gets worse for the WC and its defenders. On page 154 of the SAME report it goes through a litany of people that would have seen LHO INSIDE THE BUILDING, but did NOT see him leave the building. Finally on page 156 it says this.

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Although Oswald PROBABLY left the building at 12:33 p.m., his absence was NOT noticed until at least one-half hour later. (Emphasis mine)

CE-1118?diagram of second floor of TSBD.

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We see that NO one saw him or noticed him walking off as the WC claimed he did for at least 30 minutes! How can that be? The front of the TSBD was loaded with people and yet NO one saw LHO walk out and leave. Why not?

Can any WC defender explain this for me?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 08:43:40 PM by Rob Caprio »

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Offline John Mytton

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Oswald's creased bus transfer.


Offline Joe Elliott

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How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?

That is pretty strange. It?s not like there was anything interesting on TV at the time. I don?t know.

And I don?t know about other posters but no one can walk past the house where I live without me writing down the time and a brief description. There is no way anyone can pass by unnoticed or immediately forgotten and I would guess that is generally true of most everyone.

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Offline Jerry Freeman

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Still, the writers mention 'probably' [like maybe he might not have]
Like maybe he walked south to Main..then east for three or four blocks then went back north to Elm and went on until he saw a bus?
They just may have seen the senselessness of walking against the completely stalled traffic on Elm to begin with and boarding a bus that was obviously going nowhere.
Mytton likes to copy and paste pictures and stuff but the bus transfer makes no sense either.
Been through this a dozen times. Why get a transfer..change clothes..but keep the transfer...and then not use the transfer?

Offline John Mytton

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Still, the writers mention 'probably' [like maybe he might not have]
Like maybe he walked south to Main..then east for three or four blocks then went back north to Elm and went on until he saw a bus?
They just may have seen the senselessness of walking against the completely stalled traffic on Elm to begin with and boarding a bus that was obviously going nowhere.
Mytton likes to copy and paste pictures and stuff but the bus transfer makes no sense either.
Been through this a dozen times. Why get a transfer..change clothes..but keep the transfer...and then not use the transfer?

Bledsoe's second day affidavit is way too accurate for random guesses.

Was it public knowledge that Oswald got on a Bus about Murphy Street?
Was it public knowledge that Oswald got off a Bus after a few blocks?
Was it public knowledge that while the bus was stuck in traffic at the same time as Oswald was on the Bus that a man said the President was shot?
Was it public knowledge that Oswald even caught a Bus?

Also in Bledsoe's testimony she goes into detail about a woman who also got off at the same time as Oswald who wanted to get to the train station which along with the above Bledsoe recollections can be confirmed by cross referencing with Bus Driver McWatters testimony.


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Offline Nicholas Turner

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I watched an interview with Buell Frazier recently where he said he saw LHO walk from the TSBD after the shooting and walk away along Elm. I hadn't heard this before, and he didn't say it in other interviews I've watched, so is this accepted or known?

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Was it public knowledge that Oswald even caught a Bus?
If everybody in the city saw him get on the bus...then why did they say 'probably' in the report?

Offline Rob Caprio

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Oswald's creased bus transfer.


Irrelevant to no one seeing him walking 7 blocks.  Furthermore, there is no supporting evidence that the transfer belonged to LHO.

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