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Author Topic: How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?  (Read 96455 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Either Oswald got the Bus Transfer from McWatters or it happened another way.

Well, that's a useful observation.  Also, Oswald either shot JFK or he did not.

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Offline John Mytton

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Well, that's a useful observation.  Also, Oswald either shot JFK or he did not.

Well, that's a useful observation.


Also, Oswald either shot JFK or he did not.

Exactly, now you're starting to get it, either Oswald shot Kennedy or your Fantasy Conspirators set him up.


Online Richard Smith

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Go ask them since you seem to know them (I mean you are calling them silly). I prefer to deal with the evidence and that shows that LHO never boarded Mcwatters' bus.

Your fantasy theory is that Oswald was never on the bus.  And that the conspirators contrived the bus and cab ride to cover up for someone giving Oswald a ride.   Right?  I simply asked you why - in your opinion given that you are advocating this theory - the conspirators would contrive two fake scenarios when the cab ride alone would suffice for this purpose?  If you can't even come up with any explanation to fake a bus ride given that that cab ride is sufficient to provide a cover story, that should tell you something about whether this is an intentionally contrived event.   It's risky and completely unnecessary as part of any fake scenario.

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Offline John Mytton

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Your fantasy theory is that Oswald was never on the bus.  And that the conspirators contrived the bus and cab ride to cover up for someone giving Oswald a ride.   Right?  I simply asked you why - in your opinion given that you are advocating this theory - the conspirators would contrive two fake scenarios when the cab ride alone would suffice for this purpose?  If you can't even come up with any explanation to fake a bus ride given that that cab ride is sufficient to provide a cover story, that should tell you something about whether this is an intentionally contrived event.   It's risky and completely unnecessary as part of any fake scenario.

And the CT's still have yet to explain how Bledsoe became involved?


Offline John Iacoletti

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Exactly, now you're starting to get it, either Oswald shot Kennedy or your Fantasy Conspirators set him up.


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Offline Ross Lidell

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On page 157 of the WC Report we see the following.

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The bus ride.?According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately three minutes after the assassination. He PROBABLY walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy where he boarded a bus which was HEADING BACK IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DEPOSITORY BUILDING, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas. (Emphasis mine)

J. E. Hoover?s report of whereabouts?known as Commission Exhibit (CE) 1119A.

Quote off

A couple of things jump out after reading this paragraph. Firstly, they said PROBABLY in terms of what he did as they could NOT show he did do this. Secondly, the bus he allegedly boarded (there is NO evidence showing he ever did board this bus) was HEADED BACK to the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), so why NOT just wait there and then board the bus when it came in front of the building? Who takes a bus heading back to the crime scene IF YOU ARE THE KILLER as claimed anyway? Can any WC defender answer this question for me?

As IF this was NOT bad enough it gets worse for the WC and its defenders. On page 154 of the SAME report it goes through a litany of people that would have seen LHO INSIDE THE BUILDING, but did NOT see him leave the building. Finally on page 156 it says this.

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Although Oswald PROBABLY left the building at 12:33 p.m., his absence was NOT noticed until at least one-half hour later. (Emphasis mine)

CE-1118?diagram of second floor of TSBD.

Quote off

We see that NO one saw him or noticed him walking off as the WC claimed he did for at least 30 minutes! How can that be? The front of the TSBD was loaded with people and yet NO one saw LHO walk out and leave. Why not?

Can any WC defender explain this for me?

Re: How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?

The simple answer is: Because nobody saw him.

By that I mean: Nobody paid "particular" attention to a man walking on the street... as is common with a lack of attention by human beings.

The people on the street might not have heard that somebody shot at the President and were simply going about their business. Additionally, people don't possess "total recall". There is nothing in the "Assassin's Rule-book" that says he (or he) has to be seen by people away from the scene of the crime.

Incidentally, there is no "Assassin's Rule-book".

Finally: In this world... anything can happen.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Your fantasy theory is that Oswald was never on the bus.  And that the conspirators contrived the bus and cab ride to cover up for someone giving Oswald a ride.   Right?  I simply asked you why - in your opinion given that you are advocating this theory - the conspirators would contrive two fake scenarios when the cab ride alone would suffice for this purpose?  If you can't even come up with any explanation to fake a bus ride given that that cab ride is sufficient to provide a cover story, that should tell you something about whether this is an intentionally contrived event.   It's risky and completely unnecessary as part of any fake scenario.

Smith keeps claiming that I am putting forth a theory, "a fantasy theory" to boot, when I am actually pointing out what the  evidence actually shows. Why does he keep ignoring the actual evidence?

Why does he support theories with NO supporting evidence? You'll notice that he hasn't cited one piece of evidence in all his replies.

Offline Rob Caprio

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And the CT's still have yet to explain how Bledsoe became involved?


And the LNers have yet to explain why Bledsoe is relevant.

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