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Author Topic: Liz Warren launches a new covfefe  (Read 9901 times)

Offline Steve Logan

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Liz Warren launches a new covfefe
« on: October 18, 2018, 02:16:26 PM »
What a covfefe for Elizabeth Warren ? I?m talking about her tweet storm Monday night after her political self-immolation earlier in the day, releasing the evidence that proved once and for all that she is a fake Indian.
Apparently freaked out by the scorn and ridicule suddenly being heaped upon her by everyone, Democrats and Republicans alike, she went crazy, tweeting 26 times in 74 minutes. 

And it wasn?t even after midnight, which is when most people embarrass themselves on Twitter, after a bad ice cube or two.
Former Sen. Scott Brown was once involved in such a ?bghatevwr,? back in 2013. Remember that one?
The fake Indian started sending up her smoke signals at 6:59 p.m., after eight hours of what President Trump last year described as a ?constant negative press covfefe.?
?We all know why @realDonaldTrump makes creepy physical threats about me, right? He?s scared.?
What is she talking about?
If POTUS had threatened her, I think we would have heard about it ? a few million times, in the fake news media.
?He?s trying to do what he always does to women who scare him: call us names, attack us personally, shrink us down to feel better about himself.?
Us? Us? I am reminded of an old joke involving the Lone Ranger and a certain Native American named Tonto, the punchline of which is, ?What do you mean ?we,? Kemosabe??
Three minutes later, at 7:02, she was back on the warpath.
?Bottom line: My heritage played no role in my hiring ? ever. The @BostonGlobe reviewed all the evidence.?
You know, the same Boston Globe that couldn?t even get the math right on their big scoop, maybe because they didn?t want to cop to the fact that she is very likely only 1⁄1024 th? not even Native American, but Peruvian.
At 7:09: ?I won?t sit quietly for @realDonaldTrump?s racism, so I took a test.?
So did Christine Blasey Ford. But I digress ? .
?But DNA & family history has nothing to with tribal affiliation or citizenship, which is determined only ? only ? by Tribal Nations.?
Oddly, this fact was never mentioned by the fake Indian or her Globe rumpswabs until after the Cherokee Nation had put the blast on her about an hour earlier.
At 7:15: ?Speaking of family stories, @realDonaldTrump has one, too. It?s the story of a second-generation tax cheat ? .?
This one is really rich. Two weeks ago, she was busted, by me, for claiming that she donated $50,000 worth of used clothes to charity. Fifty grand! When I called her on it, she blamed it on an ?entry error.? Takes one to know one, as we used to say on the Mohawk Trail.
Tweet No. 10, at 7:37: ?He pretends to love law enforcement ? but attacks his own Justice Dept, attacks the American hero who led the FBI after 9/11 ? .?
Tweet No. 11, 7:39: ?He demands military parades in his honor but cheats our veterans out of charitable donations ? .?
Seven minutes, four tweets later: ?Oh, and one more thing: @realDonaldTrump likes to pretend he?s a tough guy. But like most bullies, he sure scares easy, doesn?t he??
Scares easy? As you read these endless stream of comments, do you get the feeling she ?scares easy??
Tweet 23, 8:10: ?At the end of the day, I trust the people of Massachusetts to look at the fact about who I am? and make their own judgment about me.?
Or, as Ted Kennedy said in his address to the voters after he killed Mary Jo Kopechne in 1969: ?And so I ask you tonight, the people of Massachusetts, to think this through with me. In facing this decision, I seek your advice and opinion.?
Somebody stop her before she tweets again. No, actually, don?t take her smartphone away from her. The more of these covfefes and bghatevwrs she can get into, the better for the rest of us.

Howie Carr

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Liz Warren launches a new covfefe
« on: October 18, 2018, 02:16:26 PM »