There is Nothing consistent regarding the Current Zapruder Film and the Sudden appearance of the JFK Limo on Elm St. At No time did Zapruder testify that he stopped and started his filming of the JFK Motorcade.
Did Mr. Zapruder ever state that he did not start filming, stop and resume filming at Elm Street?
In fact, Sitzman when interviewed by Tink Thompson for his groundbreaking "Six Seconds In Dallas", revealed that their high ground position/the perch permitted them to see the JFK Limo coming down Houston St and then turning onto Elm St.
Really. Well, perhaps you can help identify some cars that were on Houston Street at the time of Zapruder frame 200 for me in the following picture:

Which one was Camera car number 1? Which one was Camera car number 2? Which one was Camera car number 3?
I?m having some trouble making them out? Oh, I get it, I can?t make them out because
None of them are visible because most of Houston street is blocked by the North Reflecting Pool structure. And from the following:

We can see that the Presidential limousine was still not visible when Mr. Zapruder stopped his camera.
This is a classic example as to why eyewitness testimony should not be accepted without question. It doesn?t matter if Ms. Sitzman said she could see the entire motorcade and all the way to Oklahoma from their high position if film and photographs from that position show that she is mistaken.