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Author Topic: Corroboration of Assassination films  (Read 26879 times)

Offline Oscar Navarro

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2018, 05:56:25 AM »
In this day and age of 20 megapixel cameras, you'd never be able to see something like that in a 8mm 1960's era film, Royell. Watch the Z film and note that yes, you can recognize the people in the car, but hardly. The size of an 8mm frame of film is the size of your pinky nail. Do you really think that a spark or a puff of crushed concrete from a ricochet would be noticed?

Of course not. What many "researchers" fail to understand is that the unaltered "as it happened" Z film *proves* conspiracy.  There is no way Oswald would have been able to get the shots they said he pulled off using a piece of junk rifle in 5.8 seconds. Which is why the film was suppressed from the public until 1975 and it's also why Dan Rather - a reporter who's supposed to tell it like it is - lied to the public on Sunday night 11/25 "describing" what he say in the film.

Think about it - if there was an honest and vigorous pursuit of the truth in this case by all involved, the media would have shown the film coast to coast the minute they'd have been able to and then let the chips fall where they may. But as we all know, that's not what happened.

Of course not. What many "researchers" fail to understand is that the unaltered "as it happened" Z film *proves* conspiracy.  There is no way Oswald would have been able to get the shots they said he pulled off using a piece of junk rifle in 5.8 seconds. Which is why the film was suppressed from the public until 1975 and it's also why Dan Rather - a reporter who's supposed to tell it like it is - lied to the public on Sunday night 11/25 "describing" what he say in the film.

"They" being the Warren Commission, I suppose. If that's the case here's what the conclusion the WC arrived at as to time span of shots

"Since the preponderance of the evidence indicated that three shots were fired, the Commission concluded that one shot probably missed the Presidential limousine and it's occupants, and that the three shots were fired in a time period ranging from approximately 4.8 to in excess of 7 seconds".

The only reason to come up with the time sapn of from 4.8 to 5.6 seconds was if the second shot had missed with the first shot hitting both JFK and Connally between frames 210 and 225 and the third shot the obvious hit to JFK's head at frame 313. So the alleged 5.8 seconds that's supposed to be set in stone isn't, wasn't and has never been except only in the minds of ignorant CTers.

In 1967 CBS showed a special on the Warren Commission Report and arrived at the conclusion that time span of shots could have reached over 8 seconds by using Luis Alvarez jiggle effect theory and a test done with 5 identical Bell and Howell cameras like that used by Zapruder which demonstrated that 18.3 fps was faster than the average of the fps of the five cameras.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2018, 05:56:25 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #49 on: November 18, 2018, 06:25:31 AM »
 I believe there is good synergy with the films as per OP.  That doesn't mean there wasn't major editing within each one, removal of frames or scenes which you were not meant to see.   I have looked at the Zapruder film as the base film and then tried to see how the others match it.  They all seem to correlate well on the timeline IMHO.  What I find interesting is what each shows that the other doesn't when you combine the details.

No one captures any frontal limo shots.   We do see the ducking reaction of Bill Ready at about Z329 and also the girl (afro hair cut) running on the lawn changing direction at about that same instant.   We also never see the position of the lead car - only ever see it waiting in the safety of the triple overpass.  it remains there and allows the limousine to pass it on the way to the hospital.  It was never captured in the Zapruder film either. As it was after the motorcycles at film beginning, it certainly should have been the cue to have Zapruder turn his camera on.  For some reason, this car never captured on film or video! 

Bill Ready's reaction would indicate he saw something more than what he testified and that it was in front of him - not behind.
"I was about 25-30 feet from President Kennedy who was located in the right rear seat. I heard what appeared to be fire crackers going off from my position. I immediately turned to my right rear trying to locate the source but was not able to determine the exact location.
At this time the U.S. Secret Service follow-up car seemed to slow and I heard someone from inside this car say: ''he's shot". I left the follow-up car in the direction of the President's car but was recalled by ATSAIC Emory Roberts (Secret Service) as the cars increased their speeds. I got back on the car and seated myself beside Mr. Roberts in the right front seat. The cars proceeded to the hospital several miles distance."

He was never interviewed by Warren Commission - only gave a statement.  Film shows he saw something happen - he ducked.  It was never evident that he looked behind him as he watched the assassination.  Again, ducking movement which could imply a frontal assault that he saw unfold, grassy knoll or otherwise.   This does not support LNer theory though!

Also interesting synergy with the afro girl who in the Nix Film, changes direction to move sideways away from limousine position at that same time.  There is good synergy in Zapruder Film in the "cogs".   I don't think she was ever interviewed but she would have an interesting aspect to share.  Jean Hill and Mary Moorman were stationary during the entire filming and showed no visible reaction.

The other man that had a very complex reaction was the man labelled as Malcom Summers.   He never turned up for 25 years for TV interview but did make a bit of a statement.  He was noncommittal during a lengthy interview 25 years later as to where he actually was.   He didn't want to say he was on the "island" (area between Elm Street and Main Street)  and he avoided answering that during the interview.  If he was the man rolling into the grass, he surely must have been a key witness and saw something to give a reaction like that.  His testimony on that day is unclear and was deemed unimportant.  He said he heard two shots but saw nothing - he may have been 15 feet away, closer than even Altgens!    However,  this man rolling and then crawling in the grass was the biggest action character in the film other than Clint Hill and Jacqueline.  (No one else ducked or flinched!)
"Yesterday, November 23, 1963, I was standing on the terrace of the small park on Elm Street to watch the President's motorcade..... Then all of the people started running up the terrace[/i] away from the President's car and I got up and started running also, not realizing what had happened...."[/b]

Was the terrace the island or the grassy knoll?  Also, why would you mess up the date as being November 23 and not November 22?  I guess these little details are not important when taking statements!   A little white lie there possibly to protect you by entering in the wrong date.

Real Conspiracy?    You merely have to mention the fact that LHO, the LNer was a highly qualified assassin and decided to mix his cartridge loads.  One bullet was frangible and the other was hardcore that is fact.    That evidence in and of itself is enough proof that it had to be more than one shooter.
 Can you imagine LHO making the decision......?   "Well,.... I think I will put the hard core bullet in the clip first, then I will follow that up with a frangible, then another frangible, no wait let me think about that,  I will load 2 hard bullets in and then the frangible. Yes, that is it.  It will allow me to adjust for wind in case I miss the car altogether.  I think I will only have 3 bullets in the clip, that should be enough!  I wonder if there could be someone to help me spot?  If only they would slow the car down for me.  Yes, three mixed bullets will be perfect.  Maybe I should just randomize them and if they hit they hit!!!!" 
Ridiculous arguments don't you think?
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 06:32:22 AM by Allan Fritzke »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2018, 04:06:36 PM »
Of course not. What many "researchers" fail to understand is that the unaltered "as it happened" Z film *proves* conspiracy.  There is no way Oswald would have been able to get the shots they said he pulled off using a piece of junk rifle in 5.8 seconds. Which is why the film was suppressed from the public until 1975 and it's also why Dan Rather - a reporter who's supposed to tell it like it is - lied to the public on Sunday night 11/25 "describing" what he say in the film.

"They" being the Warren Commission, I suppose. If that's the case here's what the conclusion the WC arrived at as to time span of shots

"Since the preponderance of the evidence indicated that three shots were fired, the Commission concluded that one shot probably missed the Presidential limousine and it's occupants, and that the three shots were fired in a time period ranging from approximately 4.8 to in excess of 7 seconds".

The only reason to come up with the time sapn of from 4.8 to 5.6 seconds was if the second shot had missed with the first shot hitting both JFK and Connally between frames 210 and 225 and the third shot the obvious hit to JFK's head at frame 313. So the alleged 5.8 seconds that's supposed to be set in stone isn't, wasn't and has never been except only in the minds of ignorant CTers.

In 1967 CBS showed a special on the Warren Commission Report and arrived at the conclusion that time span of shots could have reached over 8 seconds by using Luis Alvarez jiggle effect theory and a test done with 5 identical Bell and Howell cameras like that used by Zapruder which demonstrated that 18.3 fps was faster than the average of the fps of the five cameras.

      The WC, HSCA, or ARRB Never swore in Dave Wiegman for obvious reasons. Wiegman was filming Down Elm St, Up the Knoll, Across the Knoll, Down the Knoll, and Up Elm St shortly after the shots were fired. He also is alleged to have filmed the JFK Limo going under the Triple Underpass. Plus, Wiegman claims to have run into SA Lem Johns UP on the Knoll. Of course, the Govt has always claimed that No Agents were on the Knoll that day. With it eventually coming to light that Wiegman did Not conduct his filming continuously, the time line of his film and it capturing the JFK Limo going under the Triple Underpass becomes problematic with regard to the current timeline assigned to the shots being fired as well as the JFK Limo physically being on Elm St/East of the Triple Underpass. The longer the JFK Limo was East of the Triple Underpass = the greater the probability of a Limo STOP. This also calls into question why this STOP is missing from the holier-than-holy Zapruder Film. To corroborate this mythical Shots Fired/JFK Limo on Elm timeline, it was allegedly documented that Wiegman was on the ground roughly 3 seconds Before the 3rd shot was fired. This alleged "documentation" even had the name Gary Mack attached to it to seal-the-deal. Yet, if you listen to Dave Wiegman on the "Unsolved History" DVD, he clearly tells of still being inside Camera Car #1 when the 3rd shot was fired. On top of that, Wiegman details feeling the "compression" of that 3rd shot whizzing by his face. Wiegman's  story on "Unsolved History" destroys the currently accepted JFK Limo on Elm St timeline as well as putting a serious dent in the credibility of the Current Z Film. Wiegman also detailing his feeling the "compression" of the 3rd shot while sitting inside/atop convertible Camera Car #1 also lends credence to a 2nd shooter firing from close to street level.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 04:12:16 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2018, 04:06:36 PM »

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2018, 07:36:12 PM »
Dear Doctor Daffy,
He took his foot off the accelerator while the limo was in low gear when he turned around to look at the commotion in the back seat. Stop adding foolish conspiracy crap to something so simple. Jesus Christ you friggin wackos just love to hatch these stupid-ass theories. The guy was inept at his duties simple as that.
Dear Proctoboy (Assman's sidekick),
I never said he hit the brakes dufus. I said he slowed down when he should have sped up. Sure Greer may have just been incompetent, but it sure seemed real coincidental-like that he slowed the limo down right at the Turkey Shoot Point, frame Z313. Just sayin'. :)

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #52 on: November 18, 2018, 07:40:47 PM »
Would you get involved in a plot that required you to drive the car that was about to be fired upon?

THINK, man.

Somebody had to do it. Greer didn't need to know anything more than he was expected to slow the limo down, period. Otherwise, do some thinking yourself and explan why he did what he did? But don't hurt yourself coming up with some twisted excuse. It just further hurts your case.

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #52 on: November 18, 2018, 07:40:47 PM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #53 on: November 18, 2018, 10:42:44 PM »
Somebody had to do it. Greer didn't need to know anything more than he was expected to slow the limo down, period. Otherwise, do some thinking yourself and explan why he did what he did? But don't hurt yourself coming up with some twisted excuse. It just further hurts your case.

LOL. Everything coming from LNers seem like 'excuses' to you lot. And that we are sheep-dipped lemmings.

You seem to be speaking for Greer. How do you know what he would or wouldn't 'need to know'?

My take on the Greer thing has always been based on what most of us would do naturally: look back to see what WTH is going on behind us. And in doing so, most of us would arguably pause our foreward movement... and in Greer's case there would be no way of knowing from which direction any shots were coming from, including the overpass.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 11:00:39 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #54 on: November 18, 2018, 11:00:30 PM »
Would you get involved in a plot that required you to drive the car that was about to be fired upon?

THINK, man.

Why not?  I certainly wouldn't want to get involved if I knew it was a Carcano LNer taking shots at me in a moving car that is for sure.   If I was part of the plot and LHO was just the patsy,  I would pay careful attention to slow the car down just as instructed to minimize my own possible demise!   It appears to me that when the head shot came in, Greer had his head moved from upright to that of a closer position to the windshield - thereby minimizing glass shard spray in his face.  At same time,  Kellerman was ducked down below the "dash" for a few frames around Z329.  The reality is, to get a sunglare off of his black suit coat enters  the twilight zone of impossibility.  One can draw the parallel to the motorcyclist "windshield glare" around frames at Z326 and on.  Something happened at Z329 and Z330 to create the front windshield anomaly - something such as glass spray in sunlight reflection perhaps.   There are no changes in recorded sunlight whilst looking at the motorcycle windshield area in the cogs to illustrate a coincidental change in lighting.

Unfortunately can't get the significant parts to show up in lightbox frames!  You have to examine them individually yourself! Costella's don't show it as good!

There were way too many initial witnesses that said the car slowed down, almost to a stop.   If it slowed down, it means you are not taking proper evasive action to protect the President from further damage.  I don't know of any instances where someone would slow down when you are being shot at.   Seeing the President grab his throat,  2 or more seconds earlier and hearing "firecrackers" go off should be enough evidence to get the car out of there ASAP.  The car certainly had slowed down without a doubt because Clint Hill was able to run between the cars and jump onto the back of the limousine.  That means the cars were traveling at a slower pace than what a man can run!   It looks like Greer watched the President constantly from just after the neck shot on.   He even was watching during frames Z312/Z313.  He never returned his gaze to the front until Z320.

However, if you actually did an evasive maneuver knowing full well the plot, you would be putting yourself at grave risk.  Slowing down was the best thing he could do to make sure all shots were made without botching the assassination attempt and no one else got hurt.

It also looks like the visors are flipped up at the front of the windshield.  If that is correct, it certainly means that a frontal assault was allowing anyone from the front to have an unobstructed shot at the President.  Clearly, the case when you look at visor positions!

Costella's frame so you can see it in the post:

Furthermore, if you look back at earlier frames, you can see the partially closed window beside Nellie Connally.  Just high enough to offer some protection and yet low enough that an elevated President could still be hit in the neck!  Again, note the deliberate position of sun visors!  It certainly wasn't there to keep the sun glare out of the driver's eyes!!!

Costella's frame:


« Last Edit: November 18, 2018, 11:12:06 PM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2018, 11:17:55 PM »
LOL. Everything coming from LNers seem like 'excuses' to you lot. And that we are sheep-dipped lemmings.

You seem to be speaking for Greer. How do you know what he would or wouldn't 'need to know'?

My take on the Greer thing has always been based on what most of us would do naturally: look back to see what WTH is going on behind us. And in doing so, most of us would arguably pause our foreward movement... and in Greer's case there would be no way of knowing from which direction any shots were coming from, including the overpass.

LOL. Everything coming from LNers seem like 'excuses' to you lot. And that we are sheep-dipped lemmings.

That's because you (and your ilk) make it look that way every time. The biggest credibility problem the LNs have (IMO) is that they will never concede even the smallest point, thus ignoring the simple fact that no story ever told is 100% spot on. If LNs want to be taken seriously, perhaps they should consider a new strategy where they admit that there are problems with the evidence instead of blindly defending it with stupid and sometimes pathetic claims.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Corroboration of Assassination films
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2018, 11:17:55 PM »