Is it your claim that the TSBD was wrapping their books in grocery store bags?
Btw earlier in our conversation this was discussed;
As expected you overlooked ignored my request, so I'll ask again; Show me please where you stated that.....
Jr. Member
Posts: 94
Re: At the end of the day it was Oswald's rifle.
? Reply #340 on: November 17, 2018, 01:37:15 AM ?
Quote from: Jerry Freeman on November 17, 2018, 12:59:14 AM
... a small lunch bag- who would notice that?
Quote from: Oscar Navarro on November 16, 2018, 11:54:08 PM
Then why are we here? And change 'evidence' to circumstantial evidence because that is all there ever was [except for Marina's bogus statements]Sounds are audible to all and any life so yes, it does...make a sound
I'm here because the topic is super interesting. Although I'm convince the Warren Commission got it 96% right there's still much to learn. It's like having an interest in military history. I know who won and what happened but there's a lot more to it than that.
As to the evidence all being circumstantial that's not true. there's a lot of direct evidence in the shooting of Officer Tippitt but circumstantial evidence is good too. Oh, and I believe that Marina's testimony is considered direct evidence as is LMR and BWF.
And yes! It does make a sound. Point being that even though no one except Frazier saw Oswald carrying a paper bag it doesn't mean Oswald didn't carry the paper bag into the TSBD.
Is it your claim that the TSBD was wrapping their books in grocery store bags?

I don't believe that even you would treat this as a serious inquiry.