Well, we can't be sure how many, I did exagerrate. However, the whole event was well orchestrated. The man was dead. Did you really need SS present in the room at the time of the autopsy? Shouldn't they be present outside the room and let the fully capable doctors do their job and make an independent examination?
Why was the event so controlled by them?
https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1992-05-24-9202160436-story.html Responding to published reports that photo negatives were seized by the FBI and that the FBI took its own photographs, Humes is incredulous. He says, ''Yes, there were FBI and Secret Service people milling about the room. And, at one point, there was an unauthorized Navy corpsman taking photos in the morgue and the FBI quite properly seized and destroyed that film, since the photographer did not have credentials. However, the official photos taken by John Stringer were never touched, and no one from the FBI even had a camera, let alone the intention to take autopsy photos. These reports are an incredible lie.''Looking at the above statement released from the ChicagoTribune, how did an unauthorized Navy Corpsman (unnamed nonetheless), get into the room in the first place, take a bunch of pictures and then have them destroyed. Their statements lack credibility and don't make sense. The Chicago Tribune is muddying the waters - why was that?
Why were there this many SS agents and FBI agents "milling about the room" at the autopsy? What, they were guarding a dead President now? Surely you wouldn't expect that. Is this a routine? Shouldn't you just wait for the doctors to present the evidence of what they have found. I could understand waiting outside the door and making sure no one disturbed the process! Look at the 2 major ones, Greer and Kellerman who seemed to be in charge of the whole event - not even being investigated! They were part of the crime scene, then they were part of the autopsy scenes as well. Would they investigate themselves and find themselves guilty of anything?
Were they to be totally trusted?
When someone gets killed, don't you try and isolate all parties and investigate all venues?
The investigation is a total and adulterated sham in JFK's case. Assassinations of VIP people
(government leaders especially), often are led and orchestrated by those operating close to them - but loyal to someone else!
These eyewitnesses to the event where totally trusted and not treated as suspects or possible accomplices of the murder. Total BS in the investigation of anyone's death, especially that of the POTUS where you may have a coup d'etat taking place, trying to determine the facts! These people were not only present at the crime scene, emergency room but at the Washington autopsy - maybe Parkland Hospital, as well. Oh yes! They needed to be present in the room at every opportunity - they could not wait for any report to be issued, they were part of it and they made sure they were part of the reporting process!
John J. O'Leary: Secret Service agent.
William Greer: Secret Service agent.
Roy Kellerman: Secret Service agent.
Francis X. O'Neill: FBI special agent
James "Jim" Sibert: FBI special agent, assisting Francis O'Neill