"While the Select Committe's forensic panel agreed that a bullet had entered from the rear and exploded out the side of the President's head, there was a lone dissent. Dr. Cyril Wecht said that such a finding did not preclude a shot also entering from the front. Dr. Wecht believed that the large exit wound on the right side 'could hide an entrance wound at the same spot.' In other words, just as Oswald fired from behind and his bullet exited the President's head, a front shooter firred into the wound created by the rear bullet.* That is Wecht's way of explaining why there is not another entry hole in JFK's head. However, the X rays and photographs show no exit wound for such a bullet. The author raised the issue with Wecht, and he admitted that 'the question of where did a front bullet exit is a very good one.' He first suggested that the front shot may have been a frangible bullet, which may have exploded upon impact in the brain. However, the X rays do not show any metal fragments in the brain from such a bullet, and when this was pointed out to Wecht, he acknowledged, 'Yes, that's true, there should be more fragments.' Finally, he suggested that the front bullet may have been plastic, and penetrated the brain but did not exit. He argued that since the brain is not available for examination, his speculation is possible - except that plastic bullets were rarely available until 1968, five years after the assassination."!
"While the Select Committe's forensic panel agreed that a bullet had entered from the rear and exploded out the side of the President's head, there was a lone dissent. Dr. Cyril Wecht said that such a finding did not preclude a shot also entering from the front."The autopsy doctors, who held JFK's skull in their hands, to their graves said there was an entrance wound in the back of the skull. Slightly to the right and slightly above the EOP.
When critics pointed out that wound location didn't jibe with the WC explanation of events the Clark Panel was tasked with re examining the photos and xrays. They found a trail of metal particles across the top of the skull, presumably from a metal projectile. They promptly moved the entrance wound to align with the metal trail. 4 inches above the EOP! 2 wounds?