Given that, this was her very first interview (recorded), it might be worth noting what she had said:
Jean Hill: 1) the shots came directly across the street from us.
2) And just as the President's car became directly even with us, we we took one look at him and he was sitting there him and Jackie were looking at a dog in the middle of the seat,
If you look at Z298 to Z300, this is a time in which from the Moorman and Hill vantage point, he appears to be directly even with them. It is also at this point that it appears that the President does lift his head up slightly or in a "to look up" motion as she states.
Could she have been correct then with her next statement? Remember this initial interview was done while the President has still not being announced as being dead at Parkland Hospital. It was conducted by James Darnell. Is he one of the reporters in Car 2?
"...and at that time two shots rang out just as he looked up. Just as the President looked up and these two shots rang out and he grabbed his chest and looked like he was in pain and he fell over in his seat and Jackie fell over on him and said My God he has been shot! Then after that more shots rang out and the car sped away.
Could Jean Hill have been referring to 2 shots that came in "just as he looked up" at that instant? Something to think about! Also 2 shots at that time means it can't be the carcano as a LNer. From her vantage point at that time, she may have inferred a movement that he grabbed his chest. She may not have been referring to
Z229 as that was a long ways away from where she was standing.
A second observation w.r.t. lambchop, dog puppet, flowers etc. What exactly do we see tucked under the President's left hand on the Zapruder Film at Z225, observed for a number of slides? A shiny light aberration? Shiny Chrome? A shirt cuff? Something else physically present but different?