The irrational one in this mess was that mixed up fantasist LHO. Can't knock all of those who saw him. Just to many witnesses. Oswald shot JD Tippit.
Amazing? when dozens of witnesses in Dealey Plaza say something that contradicts the official story, they are all deemed to be wrong and we are told eyewitness testimony is highy unreliable.
Yet when a number of people (most of whom only saw Tippit's killer for mere seconds) pick out a guy from a highly questionable line up, they all are deemed to be correct.
I witnessed a street robbery a couple of years ago. I saw the guy walk toward me, and I saw him run after grabbing a girl's phone. Less than 30 minutes later, a police officer asked me if I could describe and/or identify the guy and, as much as I wanted to, I couldn't because it all happened too quickly. With that experience in mind, there is no way you can tell me that all those people would be able to identify Tippit's killer in a fair line up.