There's nothing that amuses me more than watching an argument within the conspiracy crowd. They make the Keystone Cops look like a highly organized crime busting outfit.
Keep up the great work guys. 
One can always expect a great deal of (unintentional) mirth from these rank amateurs at CT Comedy Central.
In this particular instance, apparently perspective and proper size relationships (Re placement of people in a scene) don't matter in the CT Twilight Zone.
In that vein, the guy apparently in sun glasses--- let's call him 'StumpyMan'-- has a noggin on him at least twice the size of Sitzman/Zap heads. Additionally, the giant to our left--- let me suggest 'Saskquatch' as an arguably accurate descriptive moniker, given the massive watermelon-sized gourd which dwarfs even that of StumpyMan.
Sluggo's 'truths' basically go up in smoke (so-to-speak) and in more ways than one.