The reply should be...
...there is film and photographic evidence as well as supporting interviews and testimonies from people from 55-years ago that indicates a shot or shots were probably fired from behind the wooden fence on the Grassy Knoll. It was brought up the day of the assassination. It was also confirmed [rather half-heartedly] by the House Committee in 1978.
By now you should know that there are people here who close their eyes ..put their hands over their ears ...stick their head in the sand and sense everything else with their backside.
In order to conform to what is regarded in the western world as a person who can function within acceptable norms of behavior the reply should be...
According to some nutcakes and fruitloops there is film and photographic evidence, as well as supporting interviews and testimonies from people 55 years ago that indicate that a shot (or shots) were probably fired from places other than the 6th floor SE corner window of the TSBD. Acoustics test done at the later stages of the HSCA investigations that indicated a shot was fired (but missed) from behind a wooden fence in the Grassy Knoll was accepted by a close majority of the conspiracy minded panelist who wrote the final report. This misguided acoustic report led to the HSCA concluding that there probably was a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK but could find no connection that led directly to the man the HSCA agreed fired three shots from the snipers nest in the TSBD, Lee Harvey Oswald. This acoustic report the majority of the tin foil hat wearering members of the HSCA panel was soon discredited by a real scientific analysis done by a "distinguished panel of tweleve scientist" for the National Academy of Sciences. The Ramsey Panel (named after the panels chairman, professor Norman Ramsey of Harvard) concluded that the HSCA was way off base and should be ashamed for an eternity for accepting such a flawed report as that provided by Mark Weiss and Ernest Aschkenasy and for concluding that motorcycle policeman H. B. McLain's motorcycle microphone had been the source Weiss and Aschkenasy had based their study on.