Just to be clear, 132 witnesses (as compiled for the HSCA) said there were 3 shots. A total of 17 said there were only two shots. That is not "a very large number". Not all of them commented on the shot pattern. About 60 commented on the shot pattern.
Here is the distribution of witness recollections as to the number of shots:

Here is the distribution of those shot pattern recollections:
He is talking about the effect of TWO shots, not one. TWO shots is TWO events, not the same event. He was able to discern TWO separate shots.
Greer not only described two distinct late shots but he said he turned back, forward and back again between those last two shots. You can see these turns at z277-280 (back), z290-292 (forward) and 302-05 (back).
Mary Woodward also commented on the closeness of the last two shot sounds. In a 1988 interview by Nigel Turner for the film "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", Mary Woodward stated: ?The second two shots were immediate --- it was almost as if one were an echo of the other -- they came so quickly. The sound of one did not cease until the second shot.? ? ?and then the third shot came very, very quickly, on top of the second one?.
So, it may be that overlapping of sounds that Hickey was describing: the sound of the third shot was heard while the reverberation of the second continued.
So the evidence not inconsistent with a shot at z272-273. In fact, the evidence excludes a second shot much later than that. JFK's hair does not fly up between z276 and z312. Greer would not have time to react by z277 or 278 if the second shot was as late as z276.
Or the similarity between their statements is the result of them both having observed what they said they observed.
You need to read the statements again. Originally Hickey said there were two shots and described two things that occurred. He never said that both things (impact to the head and hair flying forward) occurred on one shot while nothing occurred on the other, which is the way you seem to be interpreting it. He said there were two shots and two things happened. He did not clarify what happened on each shot until he gave submitted his report Nov. 30/63. In that report he said that hair flew forward on the second shot but there was NO IMPACT evident: it appeared to miss. He said that he saw that the third shot impacted the President.
I see the problem, somehow you have managed to convince yourself that your analysis is correct and JBC could view the Zapuder film and not know that he was wounded, or ever question how the HSCA arrived at their conclusions. It is apparent you went through the witness tabulation looking for the words "three shots" and then claimed that meant a shot supporting this theory about a shot at Z250 or Z270 or in a place different than what the Zapruder film shows or the witnesses actually stated.
Unfortunately for this theory, the HSCA dismissed their own report as being faulty due to media influence. They determined the witnesses inflated the number of shots. If the HSCA did not support their own Witness Analysis why would you?
"'While recognizing the substantial number
of people who reported shots originating from the knoll the committee
also believed the process of collecting witness testimony was such
that it would be unwise to place substantial reliance upon it. The
witnesses were interviewed over a substantial period of time some of
them several days even weeks after the assassination By that time
numerous accounts of the number and direction of the shots had been
published. The committee believed that the witnesses memories and
testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concern
ing the events of November 22 1963" HSCA Final Report- pg 87
A number of the eyewitnesses changed the number of shots from two to three. Again the HSCA had an opinion about the confusion over the number of shots and why the number would be inflated:
"The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations
or echoes that followed the initial sound by from 0.5 to 1.5 sec.