If you really think that I support the notion that LHO fired two shots then you are really not paying attention.
Can you support the SBT or not? It would seem not.
Broheim, Brother Rob, welcome to reality. You have managed to stumble around in the dark until you accidently became correct about LHO firing just two shots. Relax and take a deep breath. You have never been right about any aspect of the JFK Assassination before and it is probably making you light headed. Loose the second shooter, you have been unable to prove there was three shots anyway, and you are there.
The WC, including SEN Russell, concluded with reservations about there having been two maybe three shots and no more.
It is just basic math. Three shots and two shooters. Someone fired two shots and someone fired one shot.
Caprio: "My OP shows that Senator Russell had grave doubts about the SBT, as did several other members, and without the SBT there had to be a second shooter."
Rob Caprio OP
"The two principal reasons Russell rejected the single bullet theory: (1) John B. Connally's (JBC) WC testimony, in which JBC absolutely, positively, and unequivocally asserted that before he was hit he heard a previous shot that struck JFK ("It's a certainty. I'll never change my mind"), and, (2) Russell's own examination of the Zapruder film. (Two other of the seven members of Commission shared Russell's doubts about the SBT; thus, nearly half the Commission questioned the theory.) These same reasons have been mentioned for 54 plus years in regards to why the SBT is not valid by researchers."
"Unfortunately for us, Senator Russell never seemed to grasp the significance of his statements regarding the SBT. In his September 18, 1964, telephone conversation with LBJ, Russell said that his rejection of the SBT "don't [sic] make much difference" and was "just a little thing." He didn't seem (or want to see) grasp the fact that if the SBT was false there had to be more than one assassin involved."
WC Report Page 111
empty cartridges were found, officials at the scene decided that three shots were fired, and that conclusion was widely circulated by the press.
The eyewitness testimony may be subconsciously colored by the extensive publicity given the conclusion that three shots were fired. Nevertheless, the preponderance of the evidence, in particular the three spent cartridges, led the Commission to conclude that there were three shots fired
You have made a big leap forward with your understanding LHO only fired two shots. I look forward to further posts on your journey of discovery Brother Rob.