Jerry, et al.,
Has it ever occurred to you that the CIA, for national security reasons, covered up KGB and/or DGI complicity in the assassination, and that FBI covered it up for face-saving reasons?
-- Tommy 
Which is why the WC narrative has always been lone nut first, commie sympathizer second. No need to start WWIII just because JFK was at war with the CIA. But the patsy needed a nutty motive.
For all LBJ knew, LHO was a commie assassin sent by Khrushchev/Castro to take out the POTUS. LBJ didn't know LHO was an Angleton singleton agent designated as the patsy in the coup...or did he?
If LBJ's first thought after the assassination was that it might have been a commie plot, then why didn't he have the nuclear football with him on AF1? Was it because he knew the rooskies had nothing to do with it?
LBJ Bonus
When LBJ wanted to get sworn in by Sarah Hughes aboard AF1, she said to him, "Sorry but I don't have the Oath of Office on me." LBJ pulled a copy of the Oath from his pocket and handed it to her then turned to the small crowd aboard AF1 and said jokingly, "If any of you speak of this, I'll deny it." He did all this right in front of Jackie who still had blood on her clothes. Then he turned to his long-time friend, Texas congressman Albert Thomas with a big smile. Thomas returned a wink.