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Author Topic: Former POTUS GHW Bush, 94 has passed. A thread to post discredited CT trollbait  (Read 10236 times)

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Former POTUS GHW Bush, 94 has passed.
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2018, 03:44:26 AM »
I mean, this is the 1940s in this picture and he must be in his early or mid 20s.  Look how high his hairline is already.
And did it change all that much?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Former POTUS GHW Bush, 94 has passed.
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2018, 03:44:26 AM »

Offline Richard Rubio

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Re: Former POTUS GHW Bush, 94 has passed.
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2018, 04:49:44 AM »
And did it change all that much?

No, not to me did it ever change much. I think his hairline and sorry to repeat myself, shape of the head preclude him from being the man in Dealy Plaza.

Offline Tom Scully

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No I'm sincerely interested. ? What did you mean when you posted..
 I merely presented examples of these 'strange unanswered questions'.
I don't think I hijacked your thread. Many of my topics have been expropriated and in vain I tried to steer them back on theme. I have not ever jacked with any subject on this forum. I respond on track and those who disagree with the presentation are free to do so.

Jerry, I am not attempting to compare you with John McAdams, I am presenting the following example to try to
convince you I am much more patient and trying to be reasonable than I may have seemed to you in this thread.
I think there has never been a more crucial time (I was sitting in a classroom with my fellow sixth graders when
our principal announced over the PA speaker that Preseident Kennedy had been shot.) to strive to be accurate than
now, considering.....this  is the earnest tracking of a major Canadian newspaper.:

Donald Trump has said 3833 false things as U.S. president
By Daniel Dale, Washington Bureau Chief.....

So, at least consider where I have been and who I have been discussing Bush on 11/22, with. This Bush family unit
captured  the US presidency or Vice Presidency 20 years between the 38 years beginning Jan., 1981 and now,
out of 76 annual POTUS or VPOTUS service years, and eight years in the office of Gov. of the State of Florida,
and 5+ years in the Texas executive mansion, but
you indicate your present inquiry and deliberation is actually worth your time, that it has the potential to resolve a
controversy that after 55 years strongly seems a settled matter. The Bushes keep what they do close to their vests,
they put out the fire of the Iran Contras hearings and you suppose Bush '41 elected to be available for photo capture
literally yards from where bullets struck JFK, literally before the smoke even cleared?

The following is in sequential order. Please look it over.:

Tom S.
March 5, 2016 at 10:30 pm
By the 20th anniversary, Bush had his response, ?in order.?
November 7, 1983 :,1274908&hl=en
The ?problem? is not where Bush was on November 22. It is that he had so many he was so close to who
had close contact with DeMohrenschildt, and in one example, with both DeMohrenschildt and with Garry Coit,
Priscilla Johnson?s CIA contact.
In 1940, Bush lived in the small A.U.V. secret society house on the campus of Phillips Andover ?

Along with Bush in residence, were DeMohrenschildt?s step-nephew and later business partner, the man who introduced DeMohrenschildt to Wynne Sharples, Edward Gordon Hooker. Bush escorted Hooker?s daughter down the wedding aisle in 1972, and ?gave away? Susan B. Hooker to groom, Ames Braga, son of B. Rionda Braga.
Along with Bush and Hooker, also in residence was William B. Macomber, Jr., best man in the 1946 wedding of Bush?s sister, Nancy, and in the 1973 wedding of Thomas J. Devine. Devine, from 1944 to 1946, lived in the Sigma Chi fraternity house on the M.I.T. campus, with Priscilla?s future CIA handler, Garry Coit, and 16 other frat brothers. Devine and Coit attended Naval radio school at the same time in October, 1944.
On April 25, 1963, two weeks after the WC determined Oswald shot at Gen. Walker, DeMohrenschildt met with Thomas Devine, who was fronting for the CIA as an investment manager at Train, Cabot, Park Ave., NYC. Devine reported three other contacts with DeMohrenschildt by May 21, 1963, (see- ) and was tasked by CIA?s C. Frank Stone, III (see- )
to learn all he could about George DeM. HSCA witness Joseph F. Dryer, Jr. claimed he held a separate meeting on April 25, 1963 with DeMohrenschildt and Clemard Charles, and that a CIA contact told Dryer that a secretary traveling in the U.S. with Clemard Charles was reporting to CIA.
Dryer?s brother and business partner happened to be a longtime classmate of Devine?s at a small private, K-12 school in Rochester, NY. Joan Mellen wrote extensively about Dryer in her recent book, ?Our Man In Haiti,? and when I asked her if she was aware that Peter R. Dryer was Tom Devine?s schoolmate, she shared that Joseph F Dryer revealed to her only after her book went to publication, that he considered Devine his closest friend in Rochester.

CIA?s Gale Allen reported that Devine had ?read in,? Bush on detail related to CIA Op Wubriny, referred to in Devine?s reporting relating to his contacts with DeMohrenschildt. see-

John McAdams is aware (has been presented with) all of the details above, but you will never read any mention of them on his JFK Assassination website. He will remind readers that commenter Leslie Sharp and I
are misled by connections that McAdams weighs as feather-light.

Ronnie Wayne
March 6, 2016 at 12:35 am
So there is a link from Demohrenschild to Bush? Other than the Dallas Petroleum Club?

Ronnie Wayne
March 7, 2016 at 12:07 am
And DeM?s letter to Bush in 76 or 77 (?) asking for help getting the spook?s off his back?

John McAdams
March 6, 2016 at 8:06 am
When did he ever say that?

I think we need a solid primary source here.

You didn?t respond to my question.

Does anybody have a real source for the ?Bush didn?t know where he was? supposed fact?

Tom S.
March 6, 2016 at 8:29 am
John McAdams, I proved it is a deception?.attributed to Kitty Kelly, unless she published her Bush biography
before his reply in 1983. You don?t have to rub their noses in it, they?re going to believe Russ Baker quoting Kitty Kelly, and even more so, if you?re saying the opposite. The problem you bring here is you act as if you discern no difference between Jeff Morley, Tom S., and Ralph Cinque. If it works for you, have at it, but nothing changes.
The ?serious people? have your back. They interpret the bible ?literally,? whatever that means, and the WC, HSCA, and got it right. But Bush did lecture conspiracy theorists at Jerry Ford?s funeral, and assured us all that Jerry was as good as his word.

Then, there is this, and I already explained about Devine, but why did Billy Lord mention Bemis in his 1977 letter to President Carter?
The China Diary of George H. W. Bush: The Making of a ?
Jeffrey A. Engel ? 2011 ? ‎History
The Making of a Global President Jeffrey A. Engel ? Bemis, Lias and Devine had a meeting regarding my political future?very thoughtful of them.5 All I know ?

But you would prefer to ignore what I post and keep asking the question I already answered, with documentation?.
Bush recalled in 1983 where he was when he heard JFK had been shot in Dallas. Isn?t it at all odd that Bush is naming two guys in 1975 who were two of three meeting to discuss Bush?s political future, and one was a CIA agent interacting with George DeMohrenschildt two weeks after you believe Oswald shot at Gen. Walker, and the other is Fitzgerald Bemiss, a name associated with leaning on Billy Lord at a luncheon meeting insisted on by Henry Hurt, who happened to be the son-in-law of Langbourne Williams?s brother?

I know nothing sinister is permitted in your consideration of anything, but??

Who can forget Photon?s reaction to ?all this??

Tom S.
December 26, 2015 at 1:56 pm

I did not write the letter to President Jimmy Carter in 1977, Billy Joe Lord did. Curiously, Lord?s recounting of a recent conversation with Henry Hurt included a name and a description closely matching the name and resume of Gerry Bemiss, and my research indicates Bemiss and Hurt?s wife were related, and that both were related to former Freeport Sulfur chairman, Langbourne Williams. I don?t understand how your two part reply addresses any of those interesting coincidences. It seems Hurt, according to Lord, was aggressively seeking to interview him, to put it politely?..
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 08:20:54 AM by Tom Scully »

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Online Jack Trojan

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Offline Mark A. Oblazney

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Uhh, I selected one reasonable shot....Janney claimed a sinister Ray Crump trial witness vanished after testifying
and built that assertion as a foundation for half  the assumptions in his book. My discovery that this was BS...
I found the missing witness by googling his last known address with terms like MATHEMATICS, described the missing
guy and where he last worked and was known to live. Janney promptly went after the guy he had claimed had vanished,
attempted to credit himself for my new research and did two rewrites of his book, attempting to dismiss/marginalize me
in the first rewrite as a DiEugenio protege. (As you have also been trying to do to me, ever since!)

Janney praises his former researcher Mark O'Blazney while you posture that you know more reliably than Mark or I
or DiEugenio and Lisa Pease.

Janney's opus, i.e. his huge bite of a book, was as impossible to actually pick off the tree as your present TBSD
steps obsession. You two are birds of a feather....the kind who can't fly, so of course you eat up his schtick and
have become his apologist.

I try to put a wall between presenting to McAdams and his supporters and those who prefer to be entertained
by what they see as promising. IOW, there is adequate info meeting the reasonable person standard without mixing
in what CTs would never accept of the WC.

Why give those who are opponents reacting predictably in lockstep the equivalent of the magic bullet "solution" when
you can anticipate they'll only use it as the rope they intend to hang you with? This reply is intended for a bigger readershio
than you.
(can I call you Al?)

My personal opinion aside, stuff like the following belongs in this thread. Some free advice. Do not attempt to impeach
the testimony of nearly the entire body of witnesses associated with the TSBD on 11/22/63. Have a more practical,
reasonable, likely achievable goal. Try taking small bites. I am sorry, to me this advice seems so obvious.

Same people dismissing the authenticity of the BYP, literally all their lives, expect to prove a game changer with....
still and motion picture "evidence". LOL !
Jeff Morley, professional journalist practices that advice and went after what seemed obviously much lower hanging]
fruit than what you spend your time reaching for. His effort began 15 years and $800,000 or so, AGO.

Go ahead, Albert.  Say something, in twelve paragraphs or less.  Your opinions are worthless, in my humble opinion, especially when it comes to the Pinchot murder.  You know nothing.  Nothing.  And Hendrix died by accident.  So there.

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Offline Walt Cakebread

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In the wake of his death the press will not talk about George H. W. Bush?s possible involvement in the assassination of President Kennedy. Just as their will be silence on his possible involvement in the continuation of the Majestic 12 project and the withholding of the truth about the U. S. governments secret agreements and cooperation with the UFO aliens.

Isn?t if amazing that the conspiracy to murder President Kennedy was so large that it was not be wilding unlikely for someone involved to later become a President of the United States?


Did these charges against George H. W. Bush arise during the period when he was a fairly obscure public figure? Or were the fabricated after he became famous. After he became the director of the CIA. Maybe after he became the Vice President. Or maybe after he became President.

What is the earliest reference, that you can find, linking George H. W. Bush with the assassination of President Kennedy?

I expect this question will be dodged.

Isn?t if amazing that the conspiracy to murder President Kennedy was so large that it was not be wilding unlikely for someone involved to later become a President of the United States?

Do you think that Gerald Ford would ever have become President on his own merits?...  He was rewarded for covering Hoovers back and moving the back wound to make the single bullet BS plausible.

Offline Bill Chapman

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« Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 09:36:16 PM by Bill Chapman »

Offline Tom Scully

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Yes, you definitely smoked something.
Reading that caused a mouthful of cannabis tea to
exit out my nose. I had to take my eyes off of the all
things Bush monopolizing my TV to change my shirt.
Thanks, Steve, I owe you one!

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